Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Much of nothing

Does it seem to anybody else (or just me) that it seems as if nothing is going on? I don't know, maybe it's just me. I think it's from me being locked up in my house doing nothing but writing. which is a good thing but after a while the walls start talking to you (not literally). I've done good progress on my book and since I've been so wrapped up in the huge world in my mind, the "real" world has seemed like the made up one, does that make sense? Probably not. Anyways, I'm trying to keep up with my blog, but I've been writing, writing, and some more writing. I'm trying to balance working on my book and working on my blog, but as you can see I still need some practice. Well now I'm babbling. So now I'm going to go back to my writing and I'll try to be back soon.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Talk about courage

I haven't posted anything lately because well frankly I feel like I don't have anything to say, but I just wanted to congratulate Michael Sam for coming out as the first openly gay football player. I applaud his bold and courageous decision to let the world know who he is and not be afraid to let the world know that he is gay and that he will not let stereotypes and fear hinder his career. It takes amazing strength to come out to your friends and loved ones, but to come out to the entire world while being a draft for the NFL is extremely courageous and inspirational.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Quote Of The Day

"Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves."
                                                                            -U Thant

America not so beautiful?

My wrist is still out of commission, but I just have to say something about the Coca-cola commercial that aired during the Superbowl. For those of you that did not see the commercial, it shows people from different cultures, ethnicities, religion, and sexual orientation singing "America the beautiful" in multiple languages. The commercial since airing has sparked controversy among those who believe that all in America should only speak English and look/be a certain way. People immediately took to social media to express their hatred for the commercial that portrays accurately what America is. Some people said "this is America and we speak English" while others went as far as calling the people in the commercial "terrorist". The commercial that was meant as a beautiful tribute to the nations diverse population, was turned into a slap in the face. Not one person is from America alone, everyones roots lie deep within the earth in some other part of the world. When did embracing not only American culture, but also your heritage turn into the justification of being crucified for loving where you come from? America was built on the foundation that diffrent is beautiful, whether you are Asian, Hispanic, African American, Jewish, Catholic, gay or straight. You can be who and what you are regardless of what others believe. America is the melting pot of the world, you can be proud to be an American and still embrace your roots. The commercial portrayed exactly what America is all about, coexisting with people from around the world regardless of faith, skin tone, and sexual orientation. The commercial that was supposed to be a beautiful way to show what America is, was seen as something completely wrong from the very people that live in America. It is sad too see that something as simple as a commercial brought out the not so pretty parts of some Americans.
