"I've got nothing to do today but smile."
-Paul Simon
Monday, November 18, 2013
Starting Now
I have decided that I'm starting my holiday vacation as of today. I know it's early but last year I didn't celebrate the holidays as I usually do, let's just say it was a very hard year. So this year I'm going all in. I can't wait to bake cookies with my nieces and nephews I can't wait to do crafts with them. I'm ready to hang lights and decorate the tree. I can't wait to be sitting on the sofa wrapped in a blanket watching Christmas movies while sipping on some hot chocolate. I'm beyond ready, to say the least. I hope to be back sometime in January doing what I do best, write. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of laughter and turkey. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with love, and cheer. And if you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever it may be that you celebrate I hope it's joyous. I hope the new year brings you and your loved ones good fortune, and new adventures. I hope the new year showers you with wishes come true and new opportunities. I hope 2014 is a year full of happiness and good health. Happy Holidays from my family to yours.


Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Gone to soon
I just read an article about students that lost their friend
to leukemia that decided to make and wear t-shirt in her honor only to go to school,
and be told that they have to either flip them inside out or take them off. That’s right administrators in Battle Creek,
Michigan told students of Lakeville Middle school that they could not wear the t-shirts.
The banned shirts were decorated by the students themselves, they wore blue
because that was Caitlyn Jackson’s favorite color, and orange because it is the
color to promote leukemia awareness. Do you see anything wrong with these
students that have just lost a friend much to young, honoring her by wearing
shirts to not only promote leukemia awareness but to also show that their
friend is still present? If the shirts were inappropriate in some way then ok,
but these t-shirts were not. Parents of the students heard about the administration’s
decision and were mad to say the least some even wanted the administrators
fired. After the school spoke to Caitlyn’s family the school posted on their Facebook
page that the shirts would be allowed to be worn. Sure, they reversed their
decision but the damage was already done. They made this act of kindness, and
love seem disrespectful to young Caitlyn’s memory, when in reality in a world
full of bullies and people that don’t care this act of kindness and love is a
ray of light in a long dark tunnel. I would personally like to applaud these
children for not only their loyalty to a friend gone to soon but for taking the
time to honor her. My sincerest condolences to all of Caitlyn’s friends and
family during this difficult time. Caitlyn will live on in the hearts of all
she touched. Rest in Peace Caitlyn.
Monday, November 11, 2013
5 ways to avoid getting sick this season
I’ve been feeling sick the last couple of weeks, it’s as if
I’m going to get a cold but it doesn’t completely hit. I figured with cold
season coming I’d share 5 ways to avoid getting sick.
1- Exercise: Exercise helps circulate your blood that pumps germ fighting cells through your body that gets rid of toxins. So get to exercising!
2-Sleep: Another great excuse to sleep late! While we sleep,
our bodies regenerate and restore damage done to the body during the day. So
sleep for about 7 to 9 hours each night.
3- Pets: Turns out if you pet your, well pet it can increase
your immune system. So grab your cat, dog, horse, goat whatever and get to
loving it.
4-Clean hands: Obvious, we touch all kinds of things daily
with millions of germs so washing your hands is one way of avoiding getting
5- Vaccines: Here in Tucson every year they have free
vaccinations in various locations, so look into any places in your hometown
that offer free vaccines.
And finally, if you do get sick make sure to drink plenty of
liquids, get plenty of rest and eat chicken soup it is proven to help when
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Quote Of The Day
"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
-Albert Einstein
To save you, you must die!
I know this was a story about a week ago; however, I’d still
like to share my thoughts on the situation. A hunting club in Texas is trying
to raise money to prevent the extinction of the black rhino, wait for it, by auctioning
a permit to allow a black rhino to be killed in Namibia. Yes, you read right
they want to prevent the extinction of the black rhinos by killing one. Has it
hit how stupid that is? Only 4,800 black rhinos are alive in the African
wild. They believe that the permit will
sell for about 250,000 to a possible 1 million, with 100% of the profit going
to The Conservation Trust Fund for Namibia’s Black rhino. The auction is “trying”
to justify the permit by saying that the rhino being auctioned off to be slaughtered
will most likely be an older rhino that already reproduced but can no longer,
and that prevents younger rhinos from reproducing. Please can someone tell me
how this justifies even an ounce of this so called effort to “Save the black
rhinos from extinction”? I’ll wait. Can’t think of a good one? That’s because there
isn’t one! How on this green earth does putting an endangered animal on a pedestal
to be murdered good for the cause? Just because the rhino is older and can no
longer reproduce it, should be murdered? Does this mean that this should be done
with not only animals but also humans? Because as we all know there comes a
time where eventually humans can no longer reproduce healthy offspring. Does
the idea seem sick, twisted, and revolting? That’s because it is. There is no
good reason to murder an amazing and beautiful animal that is already on the
brink of extinction just because it has a few scratches’ on its skin and can no
longer reproduce. If these millionaires are as eager as they claim to be to saving
the black rhino, why not just donate the money without tainting it with blood
of an innocent animal? Probably because they want the sick pleasure of being
able to say that, they killed a black rhino. I doesn’t matter how much they try
to justify what they doing this sure isn’t the way. Selling a permit to murder
an endangered animal by killing one of the very endangered animals is
disgusting, and hypocritical to say the least.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Open the door will you?
Do you guys ever find that you automatically keep things or
people out, and don’t even notice it until you’ve already done it? I wonder how
many opportunities or great people we have pushed away, how many beautiful moments
have we kept from happening? I think our fears and our terror of failing or
being hurt keeps us from what just might be our happy beginnings. Our survival
mode brings us to build walls and not enough bridges; it keeps us from doing
anything that can hurt us in more ways than just physically. It’s our natural instinct
to keep hurt at bay, it’s automatic for us to want to keep ourselves sheltered and
protected, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, by doing so are we
hurting ourselves more than anything? Maybe just maybe the things we pray, hope,
and wish for are some of the very things we’re keeping out. Sometimes there
needs to be hurt in order to know when you’re healing, there needs to be tears
to realize what a smile really means, and there needs to be closed doors in
order for us to find our own bridges and our windows. I know there are situations
in our lives that led us to build walls, but we can’t let our past dictate our
presents, or our future, we can only learn from it. I guess what I’m trying to
say is that we should take a leap of faith and open the door; maybe what we’ve
always wanted will make its way into our lives.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Quote Of The Day
"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself."
-Lois McMaster Bujold
Yet another
tragic shooting, what is going on in this world? Not just another tragic
shooting but did you guys hear about the unfortunate stabbing of a 9 month pregnant woman? First of all what kind of sick twisted individual not only
stabs a person but a pregnant woman? But to stab her because she owed you
money? If that in its self was not bad, enough the woman’s husband
witnessed the stabbing while overseas. Can you imagine the fear, and agonizing
pain and terror to witnessing your wife, pregnant wife being stabbed and
not being able to do anything about it? The mother is in critical condition,
but reports are saying that the baby is ok. It seems like every day there is
another tragic story on the news, it has gotten to the point where the news is depressing. You can't watch the news, or go on the internet without there
being a headline of another tragic situation somewhere in the world. What
happened to human decency? What happened to patients, and understanding? What
happened humanity? It's gotten ridiculous if you ask me. People are scared to
send their children to school, people are still terrified of flying and the LAX
shooting doesn’t help, and now even expecting mothers are in danger? It's beyond sad what the world has become. It saddens me to think that my nieces, nephews, and goddaughter are growing up in a world with more terror, and nightmares than happiness and great opportunities. Be safe everyone.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Welcome back November!
November is officially back! Time for turkey, stuffing,
mashed potatoes, pies, cranberry sauce, and every other yummy food you can
think of! Plus the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, who doesn’t love seeing all
the floats? And of course, my obsession for Christmas seems less crazy now that
it’s closer. Today is also Dia de los Angelitos, already paid a visit to my
beautiful niece Melody. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween, and may
November be a great month for all of you.
My nieces and nephews had a great Halloween. My oldest niece was a vampire my youngest was a pirate and both my nephews decided to be Spiderman!
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