Monday, February 25, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“A novel is achieved with hard work, the short story with inspiration.” 
                                                                        -Isabel Allende, Paula

What balance?

I'm a procrastinator, it's true. I haven't been posting lately ,sometimes I don't feel like it and others I get so cought up on what's going on in my life that I completely forget to post. I'm horrible I know. I'm trying to keep up with my blog, I should really just tape a sign to my hand so everytime I use my hand I can see the reminder. I'm trying to get better at my craft I really am it's just difficult for me to keep up when I'm trying to deal with all the other aspects of my life. I know, I know it's all about balance. I have not quit figured out how to balance anything out. I'm still a work in progress. I love writing I really do it's what I think about day and night, it's what I want to do for the rest of my life, but I suck at trying to perfect it. I constantly get side tracked it dosent help that my memory is not the best. I just have to put more effort into my goals to accomplish them I'm not 12 anymore so I can't have my mommy constantly telling me to do my homework and I can't  have my sister threatening me to get it done or else she'll kick my butt. I'm an adult and if I fail or triumph it's all on me. So I really have to put my all into this or else why am I wasting my time? Or yours by having you guys read a post what, every 2 weeks? I just have to get my mind right and follow through on my decisions
But I have to keep trying I just can't give up because it's difficult to juggle everything at once after all Rome was not built in a day. Bare with me as I continue to progress and learn and grow as a writer. :)

  I just called myself a writer!! I've never done that, it feels wierd, but a weird good.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think."

                                                                            -Dale Carnegie

I don't like your hair color, you're suspended!!!

Has anyone heard about this 15 year old girl from Utah that was told that she could not go to school because of her hair color? Yes, you read right because of her hair color. Apparently, the schools dress code says that hair including beards and mustaches should be well groomed neat and clean and that hair should be a naturally occurring color such as red, black, blonde, and brown. The 15 year old girl’s hairstylist told her that her hair color would comply with the dress code. Obviously, the principal didn't agree he said that her hair didn't "look natural enough,” wow right? Since when did, schools become more concerned about their students hair color rather than their education. How does this young girl’s hair color affect another student? How does it affect her? Did I mention she's an Honors student? Yea, so even though she's a good student and her hair color neither affects hers or anyone else’s education she was asked to change her hair color or not return to school. So what did she do? She washed her hair 4 days so her hair color faded out to where it was acceptable to school administrators allowed her back in school.  Let’s be honest to kick a girl out of school because of her hair color is just plain ridiculous, what’s next? Are kids going to be suspended because they wear more than one earring? School administrators should be more concerned with the student’s education and preparing them for the future rather than trying to dictate what an appropriate hair color is. If the girl’s parents did not have a problem with THEIR child’s hair color what gives the school administrators the right to have a say in what someone else’s child chooses to look like? None, exactly.  I’m just saying this is just a little to ridiculous even for school rules.
