Thursday, June 19, 2014

Book Worm

I love, and I do mean love to read. Honestly I prefer books to movies, and T.V although I do enjoy both. If I could I would read all day everyday, but I can't. Books are different worlds, universes, deminsions, different times and places in life, they're magic. Reading to me is life. It's not only a great "hobby" it can also be theraeutic believe it or not. I'm a book junky, I can have 5 books that I haven't read but I'll continue to buy more.When read I leave this planet and universe completely, I travel to these different universes and experience life through someone else's eyes. That sounds crazy right? But it's true, books make me feel all worm and fuzzy inside. Books are just, awesome. You can learn and take so much from books, all you have to do is pick one up and dive in. The only problem is books are getting expensive, but I have a place where I can find good books and for cheap, the Goodwill.Yes, you read right I buy books at the Goodwill. I've found a lot of good books and for cheap. So if you want to read but don't want to spend 10-15 dollars on a book, try your local thrift store you might just find a treasure. So on that note I leave you, my nieces and nephews want to watch a movie.


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