Sunday, March 31, 2013



  I plan on posting tomorrow I've been busy and the internet at home is S-L-O-W!!! Just thought I'd tell you guy's that have a beautiful day :)  and thanks for stiking around thanks for the support!!

Happy Easter :)


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quote Of The Day

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
                           -An Irish Blessing


St.Patrick's Day History

Meant to post this earlier but the internet was not coaperating, better late than never hope you enjoy!!

Today people around the world celebrate St.Patrick's Day. Now you might automatically think about the color green and beer... lots and lots of beer. But who is St.Patrick? Why the color green? Where did this all start? Well my friends I am about to answer those questions. St.Patrick was a Christian missionary, bishop and a patron saint of Ireland. At the age of 16 he was captured by Irish raiders and for six years he worked as a shepherd. He turned to Christianity for comfort and it's said that he dreamed of converting the Irsish to Christianity. When he escaped he returned to England and then wrote that a voice told him to leave Ireland. When he reached England he said that he had a second dream where an angel told him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Patrick then began religious training to become a priest. In 433 he arrived in Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity and also to minister to Christians already there, he also built many chrurches around the country. Instead of Partick replacing the pagan Irish rituals he incorporated them into his teachings. Patrick died in A.D 461 on March 17th in Saul,Ireland were he built his first church. Irish for many years have viewed this day as a religious day and have celebrated it by attending church in the morning and celebrating with food and drinks in the afternoon.

Now why do we use green to represent St.Patrick's Day? At first the holiday was celebrated with the color blue. However it's believe that it was switched to green becaue of  Ireland's nickname "The Emerald Isle", but also because of the green in the flag (frequently referred to as the Irish tricolour), and shamrock. Legend also has it that green is worn to be invisible to leprechauns that will pinch someone if they see them. That's why we wear green and if you don't well hope you enjoy getting pinched!

                                                                       From this

                                                                           To this

                                                                  The Irish Flag

                                                             And a happy Leprechaun

How about the Shamrock? St.Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Christian Holy Trinity, the shamrock is also a symbol for Ireland.

What else is there on St.Patrick's day? Parades of course as well as festivals. Many cities have parades for St.Patrick, but the largest by far in the world is The New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was first held in1762 by a group of homesick Irish soldiers. The holiday did not go global until 1955 when the Irsih goverment started a campaign to market St.Patrick's day for tourism. Now St.Patrick's day is celebrated worlwide with the color green, parades, and beer.... lots of beer.


Happy St.Patrick's Day

Friday, March 8, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“We believe in ordinary facts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another” 
                                                                                                                   -Veronica Roth, Divergent

Violent video games go or stay?

For years people have been saying that violent video games should be banned, and with all the recent tragedies it has once again came into the spot light. In my opinion I think violent video games should not be banned and I'll explain why. We can't blame video games for the actions of individuals. If video games where to be banned because of violence, what else would be to? Movies? What about history? Because as well all know there is quiet a bit of violence in history, and if people can get ideas from video games they can certainly get them from history as well. Not everything can be banned to prevent such horrific tragedies from occurring  I have said it before and I'll say it again there needs to be reliable and easy help for individuals that have thoughts of harming themselves and others, and a program for others to learn the signs so they may be able to help them and be able to try to prevent such things form happening. Banning everything under the sun is not going to help. Violent video games are not to blame, if someone is thinking about doing something to hurt others the idea is not going to occur just because of a video game, more than likely that thought was already there. And for people that say that videos games give kids the idea that acting out what they do in violent video games is okay, well is that not the parents job? Shouldn't the parents be the ones to tell their children that video games are fantasy and that what happens in video games is just that, a game? Video games don't hurt people, only people can hurt others, video games are just the easiest thing to put the blame on. Do you think video games should be banned?


Friday, March 1, 2013

Quote Of The Day

 “Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we're gone.” 
                                                                  -Cecelia Ahern, P.S I Love You

Different worlds in the palms of my hands

I my friends have an addiction, yes it's true. I also know that the first step is to admit that you have a problem. I am addicted to... reading. I can't help it. When I read a book, I leave this world completely. I go to a world unknown somewhere far away where my imagination runs wild and free. When I read, and it's one of those books that you cannot but down, because you’re so emotionally invested, to the point of where you have to sleep, eat, or use the restroom causes you pain. To the point where you can't bare to put it down because you just need to know what's going to happen. I love escaping into the stories that took fellow writers time and effort and love to write. I love experiencing their world, I love having somewhere to escape when this world get's on my last nerve. Does that make me sound crazy? I don't care. Nothing compares to having a book in your hands, nothing compares to the smell, the feel it’s amazing. I know that now there are e-books and those are great you know if you're traveling or on the beach and you don't want to carry a book with you, but there’s nothing that can ever replace the feel of a book in your hands. I love reading I really do, there is nothing like being up at 2 in the morning wrapped in a blanket clutching and crying a great book. That my friends is why I love to read, we can learn so many things from books. I am currently reading, P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. Yes, it is a movie but let’s be honest the books are always better. So my friends go get a book and dive right in, explore different worlds let your imagination run free. Happy reading :)

I usually don't like books with the movie adaptaion cover but Gerard Butler is on the cover I just couldn't pass it up, his so cute and I love guys with accents.


If you'd like to learn more about Cecelia Ahern and what books she has written you can visit


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