Friday, March 8, 2013

Violent video games go or stay?

For years people have been saying that violent video games should be banned, and with all the recent tragedies it has once again came into the spot light. In my opinion I think violent video games should not be banned and I'll explain why. We can't blame video games for the actions of individuals. If video games where to be banned because of violence, what else would be to? Movies? What about history? Because as well all know there is quiet a bit of violence in history, and if people can get ideas from video games they can certainly get them from history as well. Not everything can be banned to prevent such horrific tragedies from occurring  I have said it before and I'll say it again there needs to be reliable and easy help for individuals that have thoughts of harming themselves and others, and a program for others to learn the signs so they may be able to help them and be able to try to prevent such things form happening. Banning everything under the sun is not going to help. Violent video games are not to blame, if someone is thinking about doing something to hurt others the idea is not going to occur just because of a video game, more than likely that thought was already there. And for people that say that videos games give kids the idea that acting out what they do in violent video games is okay, well is that not the parents job? Shouldn't the parents be the ones to tell their children that video games are fantasy and that what happens in video games is just that, a game? Video games don't hurt people, only people can hurt others, video games are just the easiest thing to put the blame on. Do you think video games should be banned?


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