Friday, March 1, 2013

Different worlds in the palms of my hands

I my friends have an addiction, yes it's true. I also know that the first step is to admit that you have a problem. I am addicted to... reading. I can't help it. When I read a book, I leave this world completely. I go to a world unknown somewhere far away where my imagination runs wild and free. When I read, and it's one of those books that you cannot but down, because you’re so emotionally invested, to the point of where you have to sleep, eat, or use the restroom causes you pain. To the point where you can't bare to put it down because you just need to know what's going to happen. I love escaping into the stories that took fellow writers time and effort and love to write. I love experiencing their world, I love having somewhere to escape when this world get's on my last nerve. Does that make me sound crazy? I don't care. Nothing compares to having a book in your hands, nothing compares to the smell, the feel it’s amazing. I know that now there are e-books and those are great you know if you're traveling or on the beach and you don't want to carry a book with you, but there’s nothing that can ever replace the feel of a book in your hands. I love reading I really do, there is nothing like being up at 2 in the morning wrapped in a blanket clutching and crying a great book. That my friends is why I love to read, we can learn so many things from books. I am currently reading, P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. Yes, it is a movie but let’s be honest the books are always better. So my friends go get a book and dive right in, explore different worlds let your imagination run free. Happy reading :)

I usually don't like books with the movie adaptaion cover but Gerard Butler is on the cover I just couldn't pass it up, his so cute and I love guys with accents.


If you'd like to learn more about Cecelia Ahern and what books she has written you can visit


[Image from]

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