Thursday, June 19, 2014

Quote Of The Day

"There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate's loot on Treasure Island."
                                                                 -Walt Disney

Book Worm

I love, and I do mean love to read. Honestly I prefer books to movies, and T.V although I do enjoy both. If I could I would read all day everyday, but I can't. Books are different worlds, universes, deminsions, different times and places in life, they're magic. Reading to me is life. It's not only a great "hobby" it can also be theraeutic believe it or not. I'm a book junky, I can have 5 books that I haven't read but I'll continue to buy more.When read I leave this planet and universe completely, I travel to these different universes and experience life through someone else's eyes. That sounds crazy right? But it's true, books make me feel all worm and fuzzy inside. Books are just, awesome. You can learn and take so much from books, all you have to do is pick one up and dive in. The only problem is books are getting expensive, but I have a place where I can find good books and for cheap, the Goodwill.Yes, you read right I buy books at the Goodwill. I've found a lot of good books and for cheap. So if you want to read but don't want to spend 10-15 dollars on a book, try your local thrift store you might just find a treasure. So on that note I leave you, my nieces and nephews want to watch a movie.


Thursday, June 12, 2014


It is hard to love yourself especially when your entire life you have been programmed to loath what you look like. We unfortunately live in a society were looks are what matter most. Why? Why are looks more important that the content of my character? Why is the size of my waist and thighs more important than love or hate in my heart? Why, do we as humans put such importance on looks? What if the prettiest woman has the blackest heart and soul? What if the woman you think is unattractive has a heart of gold? Why are we so shallow? Why is society infatuated with the perfect body? May it be slim and tall or short and muscular, everyone has a different idea of what the perfect body is. What if my idea of the perfect body is the one I live in? I'm not 5'6 and 120 pounds far from it in fact. But this body is mine, all its flaws and imperfections all my curves and scars all my edges and bruises it is mine. This is the only body I have, this is the only thing that I can say will never be taken from me. My body has given and continues to give me so much more than I have ever given it. This body has let me feel love and hope, despair and hate, freedom and fear its let me feel an abundance of love for my family and it's let me feel rage and hate for those I dislike. It has given me the chance to hate and love myself time and time again. It has carried me to the peak of mountains, and to the bare bottom of water. It's healed after cuts and broken legs. It lets me smell sweet roses and cinnamon buns and the occasional "what the hell is that smell?" this body has given me so much and it continues to do so without asking for anything in return. The very least I can do is love it for its unconditional ability to give to me. I'm never going to be 5'7 with sky high legs and a face that could make an angel weep. I will never be a size 2, hell I'll probably never be a size 10 either. I'll never be Miss America and I'll never be labeled a raving beauty. And you know what? I can sincerely sit here and say that I don't give a damn. I'm done with hating myself because everyone says how I look is wrong. I'm done shaming myself because the world doesn't like my extra pounds. I'm done punishing myself because I don't look like my sister. I'm done crying because people feel it's OK to point and stare and make disgusting hurtful comments. I'm done putting myself through hell because the world deems me "un-pretty". It has taken me 23 years to even begin to believe that I in fact am beautiful, I am worth more than what others or even what I value myself. If I continue or any of you for that matter to constantly hate ourselves and constantly change our physical and mental perception of ourselves because others label us as "not pretty" eventually without a doubt we will want our original self's back. It sounds cliche and you know what? Maybe it is, but love yourself all of you. Everything that you hate or dislike about you can be the very thing that makes other people love you. We're not meant to be "one size fits all". We're not meant to be "cookie cutter" and frankly I love things and people with character and unique pieces that all perfectly combine to make an imperfectly beautiful disaster. Don't torture and crucify yourself for not "fitting in" whatever that is. Be you, all facets and versions of you. Never allow someone else to dictate how you should look, but most importantly never give someone else the power to make you feel inferior because of your looks. Be proud that you don't fit a mold, we weren't born to fit in but to stand out and be ourselves, and that is what makes life great. Don't spend YOUR life being a version of someone else's YOU. I'm still learning how to love all of me, it's a work in progress, and I know that it will always be a struggle. After 23 years of being told that I'm not beautiful or that "I have a pretty face but to bad the rest of you doesn't match your face" or that if "I lost weight someone would love me" I'm done. I'm done believing those disgusting words, but most of all I'm done beating myself up and hating myself for other peoples closed minded opinion of my standard of beauty.


Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It's been a minute.

Guess who's back? That's right little old me! I've been M.I.A for a while, obviously. There has just been a lot going on with my mom health wise, and she's been my number one focus.  Thankfully she's doing better and I hope she continues doing well. Family is everything and even though writing is my life, family is my universe. So with that being said I hope to be able to get back to doing what I love, writing. Thanks for sticking around.


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Much of nothing

Does it seem to anybody else (or just me) that it seems as if nothing is going on? I don't know, maybe it's just me. I think it's from me being locked up in my house doing nothing but writing. which is a good thing but after a while the walls start talking to you (not literally). I've done good progress on my book and since I've been so wrapped up in the huge world in my mind, the "real" world has seemed like the made up one, does that make sense? Probably not. Anyways, I'm trying to keep up with my blog, but I've been writing, writing, and some more writing. I'm trying to balance working on my book and working on my blog, but as you can see I still need some practice. Well now I'm babbling. So now I'm going to go back to my writing and I'll try to be back soon.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Talk about courage

I haven't posted anything lately because well frankly I feel like I don't have anything to say, but I just wanted to congratulate Michael Sam for coming out as the first openly gay football player. I applaud his bold and courageous decision to let the world know who he is and not be afraid to let the world know that he is gay and that he will not let stereotypes and fear hinder his career. It takes amazing strength to come out to your friends and loved ones, but to come out to the entire world while being a draft for the NFL is extremely courageous and inspirational.


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Quote Of The Day

"Every human being, of whatever origin, of whatever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves."
                                                                            -U Thant

America not so beautiful?

My wrist is still out of commission, but I just have to say something about the Coca-cola commercial that aired during the Superbowl. For those of you that did not see the commercial, it shows people from different cultures, ethnicities, religion, and sexual orientation singing "America the beautiful" in multiple languages. The commercial since airing has sparked controversy among those who believe that all in America should only speak English and look/be a certain way. People immediately took to social media to express their hatred for the commercial that portrays accurately what America is. Some people said "this is America and we speak English" while others went as far as calling the people in the commercial "terrorist". The commercial that was meant as a beautiful tribute to the nations diverse population, was turned into a slap in the face. Not one person is from America alone, everyones roots lie deep within the earth in some other part of the world. When did embracing not only American culture, but also your heritage turn into the justification of being crucified for loving where you come from? America was built on the foundation that diffrent is beautiful, whether you are Asian, Hispanic, African American, Jewish, Catholic, gay or straight. You can be who and what you are regardless of what others believe. America is the melting pot of the world, you can be proud to be an American and still embrace your roots. The commercial portrayed exactly what America is all about, coexisting with people from around the world regardless of faith, skin tone, and sexual orientation. The commercial that was supposed to be a beautiful way to show what America is, was seen as something completely wrong from the very people that live in America. It is sad too see that something as simple as a commercial brought out the not so pretty parts of some Americans.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Well, this bites!

I have been wanting to get back to posting but, I have now hurt my wrist. Don't ask me how because I don't have the slightest clue. I can barely pick up a glass of water, let alone type. Then how am I writing this? I'm talking to my phone and it so willingly writes it for me. However, I feel like a moron talking to my phone. Hopefully my wrist will get better soon, so I can get back to posting.


My writers block seems to be      "unblocking" a little anyways but still progress

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Quote Of The Day

"You forget what you want to remember, and you remember what you want to forget."
                                                                                                     -Cormac McCarthy, The Road 

Where are my words?

Writer’s block sucks!  Haven’t been able to write in a long, long, long time. I sit down with my pen and paper ready to wonder off into my own little universe where everything is possible, and bam I go nowhere. It's a bummer to say the very least. Even writing this I feel as if I'm rambling, like I have no clue what I'm writing about. I wish I knew what has me blocked, because I would really like to get back to writing. I have so many different projects, and stories that are on pause because I can't seem to get my words on paper. It's unsettling not being able to do what I love most in the world. Somehow, I have to figure out how to open the faucet and let the words flow freely, until then I'll keep drowning myself in Vampires.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Football Sunday with my mom!

I was planning on posting today, instead I spent the day watching football with my mom. We made pizza, buffalo wings, cheese-sticks,  and some amazing fried pickles. I had a great relaxing day with my mom I couldn't of asked for a better day. My prediction is that the Broncos will win the Superbowl, but who knows maybe the Seahawks will win. We'll find out on.February 2nd. Did anyone else watch the games? 


Friday, January 17, 2014


Food poison sucks! It is one of the worst thing EVER!!  I rather have my horrible migraines 24/7 ( kind of do anyways) than food poising. I seriously don't even know how I'm even writing this. Anyways I hope this ends quickly. Make sure to check expiration dates, and make sure your food is fully cooked.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New Year

We are 2 weeks into the new year, fast right?  The holidays were, great. I spent time with my family we laughed, ate, bickered,  laughed,  and ate some more. I had an arts and crafts day with my nieces and nephews, and my mom and I baked cookies with them. I hope yours, was great as well. I hope this new year is just that, new. I hope you have countless opportunities, and new and exciting adventures.               

   It feels good too be back.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Happy New Year everyone!!  I hope this year is a million times better than 2013, but nothing compared to what 2015 has in store for you. Have a great day everyone, be safe.
