Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Quote Of The Day

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies."

When will we change?

  As the world changes and people become more open minded, it oddly seems that they also become more close minded. As the new generation continues to grow, as parents, guardians, and teachers, we should instill basic decent morals, and values in our children. Like being kind to others even when others aren't. Being tolerant and respectful of others choices and beliefs. Lending a helping hand when someone is in need. Always remember your manners and never make someone feel unwanted. Stand up for what you believe in but always be respectful in doing so. But most importantly remember that everyone is human. We all make mistakes, but we're all searching for the same thing. We all want to be accepted for who we are. We want to find where we belong, we want to be happy. But most of all, we want to be loved. And it's in our hands to raise today's children into tomorrow's kind, caring, honest, and brave true versions of themselves.

  I hope the world that my nieces and nephews will someday inherit will be better then it is today. I hope someday they won't be judged for what they believe in, but rather they be judged for the content of their character. I hope someday they can freely express themselves without the fear of being discriminated. I hope someday they can live their lives as happy and authentically as they choose to. I hope someday my hope will become not only their reality, but the world's reality. I hope someday we can all change for the better. 


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Quote Of The Day

"Courage isn't having the strength to go, it is going on when you don't have strength."

                                                 -Napoleon Bonaparte

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Quote Of The Day

"Traveling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller."

                -Ibn Battuta

Where to next?

Do you ever get the urge to pack up and travel? Just you and a backpack with the essentials, and a hankering for adventure? I do. I'm always dreaming of foreign soil, of different sunsets and sunrises. I want to visit and submerge myself in different cultures and heritages. I want to learn traditions and customs other than my own. I want to see the world! I want to meet people from all walks of life, I want to experience different ways of life. I honestly think traveling is the best classroom. Think of all the benefits! You have the opportunity to learn foreign languages from actual people. You can learn how to cook local cuisine, you can learn their history you could even find a place where you want to lay down your roots. There are so many great benefits from traveling, it's truly an experience that enriches our lives. I have a long list of places I want to visit and experience. I want to step foot in Paris, and England. Greece and the Parthenon. I want to see Rome and the Collisium. I want to go to Brazil and be a part of Carnival, I want to see Germany, Potugal, Spain, India, I can go on for day's! But most of all I want to live in Scotland. There's something about Scotland's history and beautiful land that calls my name. If I had the financial resources I would travel to thousands of differet parts of the world. But Scotland is what my heart calls out for. We should all travel, there's so many different places to see and so many people to meet. One day I'll see the world, but for now I'll continue to dream of them. Where would you like to visit?


Monday, July 6, 2015

Quote Of The Day

"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world."

          -John Lennon

A simple reminder

My parents mean the worls to me!! I'm 24 and they still worry about taking care of me and giving me everything I want or need. Yes, I work I make my own money and yes I help my parents with whatever they need. And yet despite me being an "adult" I'm still they're baby. Parents really are the most amazing people in our lives, they loves us unconditionally even when we are not so lovable. They're our chofers, nurses, chefs, teachers and our biggest supporters. Treasure your parents because one day you're going to realize that while we are busy growing up, they're growing older. I don't know what I would do without my momma and my dad. And hopefully I won't have to for another thousand years. Go hug your mom and dad tell them you love them and how appreciated they are. After all they're the reason we are here. 👪❤


Saturday, July 4, 2015


Happy 4th of July!! Thank you to all past and present men and women, that have protected and bravely fought for our freedom.


Friday, July 3, 2015

I'm back.....again.

I haven't posted in a long, long time. It really does seems like "when it rains it pours", true words. These past 4 years have been the hardest of my life. So much has happened, mostly bad but here I am swimming upstream like a salmon. Situations really have a way of changing you. These past years I've let life get in the way of my plans. I've stopped writing, I forgot all about my blog. I stopped doing things that made me happy. It's taken me a while to get back to the point where I want to write, but here I am ready to walk my own path again. It feels good to be back!
