Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Welcome to the world D.K.M♥

I'm officially a Tia (Auntie) again!!! My nephew was born on Monday evening about 5 weeks to early but thankful his doing fantastic as so is his mommy! He had to be put on a breathing machine for a little bit due to him having fluid in his lungs, but now he is fine! His mom's water broke at 3 in the morning! Yes, 3! So we all rushed to the hospital we were there ALL day until they did a c-section (she didn't dilate past 5 centimeters)... So he was born June 10th at 8:24 pm he weighs a whopping 8lbs and 8oz and is 20 1/2 inches long!! Imagine what he would of weighed if he made it until his due date? Yikes, he would of been a huge baby! His going to be tall like his daddy (his 6'5). I am beyond happy, excited, and over the moon that he is here safe and sound!
Everybody meet my little nephew Damian King Mendez♥ 
I am so in love with him, his absolutely perfect♥


Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm going to be a Tia again!!!!

Almost forgot to tell you guys that my brother Jose is going to be a daddy for the first time!! His baby (boy) is due next month on the 15th but he'll be here much much sooner!! Like within the next week or so!! I'm so excited to welcome another member of the family into the world. It's bitter sweet, seeing as it's been a year since little Melody got her wings. However we must celebrate the birth of another little angel, and I know that doing so will not take an ounce of  love from her. I'm extremely excited to be a tia again! I can't wait to hold little man!!!
                                    This is my little nephew D.K.M!!
                  (His going to be tall his daddy is 6'5 and his mom is 5'11)    


Been a while

Hello everyone!! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I said I wasn't going to anymore until I got better internet, but it's taking to long. So I'm going to post whenever I can, whenever the internet decideds to work. My life has been BUSY! very hectic, I am still looking for a job, my dad is almost home we're doing better but it's taking time. Some days are better than others, and some are worst then others, but we'll be ok. They say "It's always darkest before the sunrise" boy is that true! But you have to be positive you can't dwell on the past and you can't let negativity control your life. Moving forward is the only way to go! So thank you for sticking around, thank you for the support!
