Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas :)

             Merry Christmas from my family to yours!!!!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.”
                                                                   -Mitch Albom

Sadness all around

I've been told that I should write about all the recent tradgedies that have happened, but what more can I say that has not been said already? It's... I don't even know what to call it besides heartbreaking. So many innocent lives have been lost, parents have sealed their hearts under grave stones. Dreams have been shattered future birthday parties cancelled, graduations not possible, no wedding invitations to send out, and no "we're having a baby". No parent should ever have to go through such pain, no matter how many times you pray, beg, plead and cry nothing will ever even numb the pain just an ounce. There is nothing you can tell a person that has lost a child to make them feel better nothing can come close to the pain of losing your baby may they be 5 years old or 50 years old. Nothing/anyone can replace the lost of a child no one can even begin to know your pain unless they themselfs have lost a child also. No amount of comforting words, warm hugs, or paryers can ever begin to heal a broken heart. So many futures have been drastically altered nothing will ever be the same. Mental illness has to be talked about everyone thinks of mental illness as such a Taboo, it's not. Some individuals need professional help it's easier to get a gun than it is to get help for mental illness does that make sense to anybody?? Because it sure dosen't to me. There has to be some help that is easily accessible for everyone free of charge that is having any thoughts of self harm or thoughts of harming others. There has to be a program that can really help people that have severe hate or anger, to prevent incidents like that of Sandy Hook. Something has to be done to protect children, moms, dads, teachers, and even the people that cause such pain to others. Stricter gun policies need to be implemented, if someone wants to own a gun legally then there should be a lengthy  screening process I know everyone is going to be like "Well thats stupid and I should'nt have to do this" those parents shouldn't of had to bury their children either, but they did. Something has to be done these incidents shouldn't have a reapeat button. Everybody please take sometime out of your day to tell those around you that you love them and appreciate everything they do because unfortunately you never know when it's their or your last day. I know from now on I will hug my family a little tighter and tell them I love them everyday of our lives. My deepest condolences to everyone going through these difficult times. R.I.P to all the beautiful people that have left this earth you are gone but NEVER forgotten.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.”                 -Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

What's going on???

It's been a while since I've posted anything, I've been working like crazy (good problem to have) and I get home EXHAUSTED. I don't even know what day I live in, just yesterday I figuered out Christmas is right around the corner. When I get home I eat, take pain pills and go straight to bed. I have no clue whats going on everywhere else, I haven't even had time to watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas *Gasp I know*. Today is my first day off, tomorrow it's back to work :/ but when I get my 1st pay check im going to be like *WOOOOHOOOOOOO* until all the bills are payed and im left with 2 dollars haha any who I thought I'd just let you guys know why I haven't been posting lately. As soon as I have enough time I will but until then See ya later friends


Sunday, December 9, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 
                       -Winston S. Churchill

Epic Fight

I know my family and myself are not the only ones that saw the epic fight between Manny Pacquiao and Juan Manuel Marquez. As soon as the first bell rang they went at it, punch after punch. Going into the fight everyone already had chalked it up as another win for Manny but Marquez had different plans. He shuck up the world yesterday he showed everyone that his a great fighter to and he put it on a silver platter for everyone to see when he Knocked out Manny for the second time, except this time he didn't get back up. The judges had the fight scored 47-46 for Manny right before Marquez KO him. This was the 4 fight between Marquez and Manny the first was declared a draw, fight #2-3 Manny won, but number 4 goes to Marquez he trained hard bulcked up and earned that win. Manny of course had some good punches to, he knocked Marquez down once and broke his nose, and of course when he knocked Marquez down everyone was saying it was over but it clearly was not. No-one will ever look at Marquez the same because now they know his got what it takes to take down what some people say is "The Greatest Boxer Alive" I clearly disagree is Manny a great fighter? Yes, but is he the greatest alive not by a long shot. Nonetheless it was a great fight between two great boxers and last night the best man won.


                                        CONGRATS MARQUEZ!! 
This is how Manny looks when he gets KO and no his not randomly planking
   and this is his wifes face when he went down and didn't get back up
     Images From Google


Friday, December 7, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“Always do what you are afraid to do.” 
        -Ralph Waldo Emerson

My Christmas Tree!!!

This is my Christmas tree it's been up since the day after thanksgiving. I like to put it up early because obviously I love Christmas, the tree is about 7-8ft tall (not real :/). The tree is a "Country" theme it has vintage sleds, mini bird houses, old oil lanterns, wreaths, ornaments made of wood, brown Christmas balls, some ornaments have glitter (you have to have glitter on your tree), and strings of popcorn, finished off with a beautiful star, and on bottom of the tree there is the nativity scene. I love it, I think it came out pretty good.
    I lost my personally challenge, I didn't post anything yesterday!!!  So I'll chalk that one up as a failure.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“To go wrong in one's own way is better then to go right in someone else's.” 
              -Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment

I'm comfy don't move me!

I feel like a little kid watching Christmas movies, wrapped up in a blanket, drinking hot chocolate, wearing fuzzy socks, all while in the dim light of our Christmas tree. Its nice to have a relaxing night at home, I'm not going to lie I prefer to be home then go out to a party and just watch people make complete fools of themselves. Don't get me wrong I like to go out from time to time no-one likes to be at home 24/7, but I am more of a "homebody" so to say. So needless to say this relaxing, calm night at home is right up my alley. Hope you're all having a good night or day depending on wherever you are.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Quote Of The Day

  “All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
St. Francis of Assisi, The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi                                                                                               

I See The Light!!!!!

Guess what everyone!????...... I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!! After over a year of applying and nothing and after one interview that resulted in no job, and then a call from Walmart and 2 interviews with them in one day, and a drug test, I now have a job!!!!!!!!! I can not begin to explain how happy, excited, and nerveous I am. I so thankful for this opportunity I'm so happy that I will now be able to help pay bills, buy food, put gas in the car and be able to go out with friends and not have to ask my family for money!!!! I'm .....I'm..... I'm just SOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!! I start December 10th at 8:30 am!!  :)


Monday, December 3, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.”
              -Ernest Hemingway

R.I.P Jovan Belcher & Kasandra Perkins

Jovan Belcher #59 a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs who had been with the team since 2009, killed his 22 year old girfriend Kasandra Perkins at their home and then killed himself at his workplace in an Arrowhead parking lot as his head coach Romeo Crennel, Gary Gibbs linebackers coach, and the general manager Scott Pioli witnessed the horrific suicide.Those who knew Jovan describe him as an inspirational young man who had accomplished so much in his short life. The reasons behind Jovans actions may never be know but what is known is that for someone who had such a bright future in front him, someone who had success, someone to share his life with, and a little girl to call him daddy, someone who had a good life eneded it in tragedy. For someone to go to such extremes had to have been battling some serious demons. Perhaps the one person to be most affected by this tragedy are not the ones that unfortunately witnessed Belcher's suicide, not his team- mates that spent so much of their time with Jovan, not his dedicated fans, maybe not even their family, but their 3 month old daughter Zoey Belcher. Zoey now has to grow up without not only her dad but also her mother. This little girl is going to always wonder "why?''.  She will always having missing pieces in her life she will never be able to ask her daddy to teach her how to ride a bike, she'll never run into her mothers arms after coming home from her first day at school, she'll never be able to fight with her dad because he dosen't like her boyfriend and she'll never be able to ask her mom to take her shopping for her wedding dress. Zoey will always be the one person who was most hurt and whos life was most drastically changed. Brady Quinn (quarterback for KC) and other players say they plan on providing finacial support for little Zoey, and just a day after Jovans tragic suicide KC played the Carolina Panthers with a bitter sweet win of 27-21. My deepest condolences to Belchers and Perkins family, friends, team-mates, fans, and daughter.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Challenge Accepted

I have challenged myself to attempt to post something everyday from December 1st to the very last day of December. I'm going to try and do my very best to accomplish my own personal goal. I know it might not seem like a difficult thing to do, but when you live in a house with two other people that you share a computer with it gets difficult. I also happen to be a procrastinator so this will be a tough challenge for me. It's good to challenge yourself every now and then, so fingers crossed.


Saturday, December 1, 2012

Quote Of The Day

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” 
                    - Confucius

Welcome Back December!

Let me just get something out of the way....... I LOVE DECEMBER!!!!! I love Christmas I'm a little obssesed with it. No it's not because of the presents although thats a BIG plus. I love Christmas because of what happens to everyone during the holiday season, everyone gets a little bit nicer, the spirit of helping others really shines during this time, even though we should lend a helping hand year long. Not only people change during this month, but everything else changes as well. Houses go from dark to shining bright, trees go from just green to a masterpiece, ordinary boxes turn into an element of surprise, and ham turns into one of the best dinners all year long. I love decorating my house, I love putting up the tree, I love hanging up the light outside, I love making cookies every year with my nieces and nephews, I love watching The Hallmark Channels countdown to Christmas, I love watching ABC Familys countdown to Christmas, I love that in my family it's now a tradition to watch The Grinch every year together. I love wraping present just as much as I love unwrapping them.I love everything about Deccember, I would say the snow is my favorite thing, but you know I live in Tucson and we're lucky if the tempature isn't 109. Theres just something about December, I can't really explain it I guess it's just...... magical.

                  (I wish I lived here during the holidays)

    If you don't celebrate Christmas let me know if you celebrate something else during the holidays season and if you don't celebrate anything then just say hello to another month :)

[Image from Google]