Monday, December 24, 2012

Sadness all around

I've been told that I should write about all the recent tradgedies that have happened, but what more can I say that has not been said already? It's... I don't even know what to call it besides heartbreaking. So many innocent lives have been lost, parents have sealed their hearts under grave stones. Dreams have been shattered future birthday parties cancelled, graduations not possible, no wedding invitations to send out, and no "we're having a baby". No parent should ever have to go through such pain, no matter how many times you pray, beg, plead and cry nothing will ever even numb the pain just an ounce. There is nothing you can tell a person that has lost a child to make them feel better nothing can come close to the pain of losing your baby may they be 5 years old or 50 years old. Nothing/anyone can replace the lost of a child no one can even begin to know your pain unless they themselfs have lost a child also. No amount of comforting words, warm hugs, or paryers can ever begin to heal a broken heart. So many futures have been drastically altered nothing will ever be the same. Mental illness has to be talked about everyone thinks of mental illness as such a Taboo, it's not. Some individuals need professional help it's easier to get a gun than it is to get help for mental illness does that make sense to anybody?? Because it sure dosen't to me. There has to be some help that is easily accessible for everyone free of charge that is having any thoughts of self harm or thoughts of harming others. There has to be a program that can really help people that have severe hate or anger, to prevent incidents like that of Sandy Hook. Something has to be done to protect children, moms, dads, teachers, and even the people that cause such pain to others. Stricter gun policies need to be implemented, if someone wants to own a gun legally then there should be a lengthy  screening process I know everyone is going to be like "Well thats stupid and I should'nt have to do this" those parents shouldn't of had to bury their children either, but they did. Something has to be done these incidents shouldn't have a reapeat button. Everybody please take sometime out of your day to tell those around you that you love them and appreciate everything they do because unfortunately you never know when it's their or your last day. I know from now on I will hug my family a little tighter and tell them I love them everyday of our lives. My deepest condolences to everyone going through these difficult times. R.I.P to all the beautiful people that have left this earth you are gone but NEVER forgotten.


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