Thursday, January 31, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting some on yourself.” 
                                                                   -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Would you like to smell like vomit??

Did you guys know that whale vomit it highly desirable?? Well you do now, and just who might be looking for whale vomit?? Perfume companies. Yes, companies that make that really nice smelling stuff that you wear also like whale vomit. Turns out the vomit prolongs the smell of the perfume so you can smell like fresh vomit longer. Turns out at first the vomit smells well like vomit, but as it continues to dry the smell gets pleasant. Perfume companies pay big bucks for ambergris (whale vomit), how much are they willing to pay? Well in 2006 a man in South Australia found ambergis weighing 32.5 pounds and was an estimated value of ...ready for it? An estimated $300,000. And just recently a man in England was walking his dog on the beach and his dog just happened to sniff vomit. Now the he has the chance of making big bucks he already has an offer from a French dealer who offered more than $50,000. Finding ambergis is rare so don't get all happy it's not a get rich quick thing. But it turns out that whale vomit really smells like money.


                      This my friends is whale vomit and this get you this

                                        Money Money Money!!!

[Images from Google]

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”      
                                                                         -Marcel Proust

Do you deliver?

 In a world filled with chaos and an abundance of horrible things happening comes a happy story that renews faith in humanity. This story begins in Afghanistan with a soldier named Shawn Fulker. Shawn's wife’s birthday was coming around and he wanted to do something special for her, his wife Josephine loves Mellow Mushroom Pizza (a pizza company in their home town Jacksonville, Fla) so Shawn emailed Mellows and asked if someone could deliver a pizza and a 50 dollar gift card to his wife and that he would pay with his credit card. So what did Mellows do? They decided to make Shawn’s request a little more special. Mellows had their cook make a heart shaped pizza (even the pepperonis were heart shaped) but they didn't stop there they also bought Josephine flowers and balloons to make it even more memorable. They delivered Shawn’s surprise on Thursday and Mellows didn't charge him a thing. When Josephine answered, the door she had just finished Skyping with Shawn Josephine said she was excited, surprised, and overwhelmed. Shawn and Josephine have been married 7 years and have a 5 year old son named Ethan; both were touched by the company’s gesture. In a world filled with chaos and everyone looking out for themselves it’s refreshing to hear about a story that’s filled with love, compassion, and acts of kindness. Take notes people we can all learn a thing or to from the great people from Mellows Mushroom Pizza. I have a challenge for everyone, I want you guys to go out and do something to help someone else. Only do it if it comes from your heart not because it's a challenge, if it doesn’t come from the heart it doesn’t mean a thing. Don’t accept money or gifts, hugs and thank-yous are welcomed don't tell anyone after you've done it keep the kind gesture to yourself it will make it all that more rewarding.



Thursday, January 24, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“No one's family is normal. Normalcy is a lie invented by advertising agencies to make the rest of us feel inferior.” 
                                                  -Claire LaZebnik, Epic Fail

2 Dads Or 2 Moms Or 1 Dad and 1 Mom Either or it's nothing but Love

There are thousands of children in this world that are orphans that need and want a home, a stable, kind, nurturing family that will love them and take care of them. So what are "ideal" parents? Parents that will love you when you lest deserve it but most need it, parents that will guide you through a world that’s still so unknown even to them. Parents that will teach you right from wrong, parents that will chase all the nightmares away. Parents that will let you believe and make your own fairytales true, parents that will support you through your many failures and triumphs. Parents that will cheer for you no matter what sport you choose to play, parents that will be at every play, and every dance recital. Parents that will let you express yourself freely, parents that will make holidays beyond special.  Parents that will stand by your side no matter what happens, parents that will provide a safe, stable, and loving environment. Parents that will nurture you and let you fly when you’re ready. Are those ideal parents? I think those are beyond ideal parents. And if the couple just happens to be, same-sex does that take away from anything that they have to offer to a child? No. A couple’s sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether they can or cannot adopt. Some individuals say that allowing same-sex couples to adopt is just giving other children or adults a bigger opportunity to "bully" the child. I'm sorry are only children that have same-sex parents bullied? No. A child’s parents are not a factor in whether they are bullied or judged at all. Children unfortunately are bullied no matter what. Just because they are, a same-sex couple does not give anyone the right to deny them the right to create a beautiful family. Same-sex couples are just as capable to be fantastic parents just as male-female couples are. A couple’s sexual orientation should NEVER be a factor in whether they should be able to adopt or not. There are many many children in this world that need good homes, let’s not keep them from a good home just because some people think same-sex couples are any less qualified to be parents. Keep your minds and hearts open don't deny a child a loving home because you think it's wrong.



[Image from Google]

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”
                                              -Albert Einstein

Internet good or bad?

Internet does it make the world a better place or more difficult?? In my opinion, both. The internet is a great place to connect with people from around the world, you can see places that you might not other wise be able to see. You can research countless moments in history, you can even search for yourself. You can even share your writing with the world :) The internet makes a lot of things easier for one you don't have to get a map you can just type in your destination and click search and before your eyes it tells you how to get there, and how long it will take you to arrive. With the internet what you can do is limitless. You can listen to music, watch videos, share videos, shop for just about everything your heart desires. The internet can open your eyes to the entire world, but it can also show you the ugly. One of the main problems in my opinion is cyber bullying. It's so easy for people to say so many nasty hurtful things to another person and anyone can see and repeat those nasty words. The words that people post will always be on the internet no matter how many times you erase it, it will always be there. It's also so easy for people to steal your identity, use your pictures for fake profiles, they can make it seem like your wrote something, or took a scandalous picture on Friday night in the club when really your were at home watching movies. It's easy for people to do just about anything and everything with the help of the internet. The internet can make the world a better place but it can also make it a nasty one too. It all depends on how and what you use it for.


Friday, January 11, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“I've got nothing to do today but smile.”
                                         -Simon and Garfunkel

Change yay or nay?

Not everyone likes changes I might self am not a big fan of them. But changes come and go some stay some don't. Change is never the easiest thing to accept or want specifically when you are set in your ways. Change is a difficult aspect of life that we have to cope with. Things are constantly changing, rearranging, shifting, morphing, tranforming things are never the same for too long. Some changes are the worst some are the best it all depends on you. As humans we crave stability and routine it's were we are comfortable and feel best. Change natuarally is scary it's the fear of the unkown and the fear of losing what you already have and know, and not knowing if you'll ever get that back. This last year my entire life has changed it's done a complete 360 I sometimes have to remind myself that yes this is my life. One moment my life was fine everything as it always has then BAM! right out of the blue my life got turned up side down. I haven't fully grasped the new changes in my life. Some I don't want to accept and some I welcome with open arms as if I was to embrace an old friend. Change takes time to accept it might take days, weeks, months maybe even years but whether you accept it now or a year from today its still going to happen. I'm not sure if I will ever really accept any of the drastic changes in my life but they are things I will have to learn how to at least cope with. I'm sure I'm not the only person that has trouble with change its a scary mountain but its a mountain we'll always have to keep climbing. So put on your climbing boots because we all have a long climb ahead of us.


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“Happiness is a warm puppy.” 
                   -Charles M. Schulz

My family is bananas, how about yours?

Family, what can I say? Well I'll start by saying that my family is dysfunctional to say the least. We all and I do mean all have strong personalities. We will deny that we are wrong, we will argue until the other person gives up, we will make our opinions, thoughts, and feelings heard. Sometimes we are so dysfunctional I think we need extensive therapy, does that make it sound like we shoul be locked up in an asylum? Don't answer that. Sure family is always the first to criticize and judge and point out all your flaws and mistakes. But there also the first ones there to hold your hand when your scared, wipe your tears when your heart has been broken, and they always let you know that you are loved regardless of your, actions, words, and life style. Family is forever they can never be replaced or forgotten. Family is what ties us to ths crazy world. They keep us grounded but let us soar. They give you endless love and at times advice we don't want but desperately need. Family is crazy, and loud but there is never a dull moment. In my famliy we can be at each others throats one second and the next moment we can be sitting down calm as can be watching a movie. We are from, very from normal. We fight and argue and yea we even scream and very loudly may I add. But I know that bad or good happy or sad rich or poor they are there for me without me even having to say a word. My family is crazy but I am too (just a little don't go calling the local asylum now) so I fit in perfect. Everyones family is embarassing and way to out of the box so don't be embaressed by yours, instead embrace it and rock it! Family is a treasure a unique one and complicated but a beautiful one. Friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and at times even husbands and wives come and go but family will always remain.


Friday, January 4, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Home is where you are loved the most and act the worst."
                                                       -Marjorie Pay Hinckley


Have you ever keept your thoughts, opinions, and feeling to yourself to avoid a bigger argument?? I rarely do, but just yeaterday I did for the first time well ever. I'm not the type of person to hide my feelings or what I think, I'm not going to lie I'm extremely blunt. I've never had a problem expressing myself, but yesterday I said nothing. I stunned myself, however I'm happy that for once in my 22 years of life I said nothing. Trust me when I say that the last thing I wanted to do is sit there completely quiet. I wanted to tell this person everything I thought about the situation I wanted to make my feelings heard, but I didn't. Why, you ask? Because I didn't want to make the situation worse and the situation is already pretty tough. I'm trying to fix the problem not make it worse, I hate having to keep quiet but what I hate more is not having this person in my life because of this problem. Sometimes you have to just sit and listen. Sometimes the best thing you can say is nothing at all. I put my best foot forward yesterday I let this other person talk and express their feelings and thoughts, while I just listened. I've done everything I can to make this work, now it's up to the other person to make the effort to fix what we all helped brake.


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in this world."       
                                                                              -Gustave Flaubert

Mom the tree swallowed my bike!!!

Fifty years ago a little boy didn't want to ride a girls bike that was given to him after his mom became a widow, so he left it in the woods and he told his mom that he had lost it. His mom now 99 years old has just recently found out what really happened to his bike (she read the story in the local newspaper). Fifty years later the bike is still where he left it, only now it's a part of the tree it's self since the tree has grown around the bike. Cool right? The bike is located in Washington State's Vashon Island. I think it's a pretty cool sight thought I'd share it with you guys. Isn't nature wonderful?

                                       [Image from ABC News]
