Friday, January 11, 2013

Change yay or nay?

Not everyone likes changes I might self am not a big fan of them. But changes come and go some stay some don't. Change is never the easiest thing to accept or want specifically when you are set in your ways. Change is a difficult aspect of life that we have to cope with. Things are constantly changing, rearranging, shifting, morphing, tranforming things are never the same for too long. Some changes are the worst some are the best it all depends on you. As humans we crave stability and routine it's were we are comfortable and feel best. Change natuarally is scary it's the fear of the unkown and the fear of losing what you already have and know, and not knowing if you'll ever get that back. This last year my entire life has changed it's done a complete 360 I sometimes have to remind myself that yes this is my life. One moment my life was fine everything as it always has then BAM! right out of the blue my life got turned up side down. I haven't fully grasped the new changes in my life. Some I don't want to accept and some I welcome with open arms as if I was to embrace an old friend. Change takes time to accept it might take days, weeks, months maybe even years but whether you accept it now or a year from today its still going to happen. I'm not sure if I will ever really accept any of the drastic changes in my life but they are things I will have to learn how to at least cope with. I'm sure I'm not the only person that has trouble with change its a scary mountain but its a mountain we'll always have to keep climbing. So put on your climbing boots because we all have a long climb ahead of us.


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