Thursday, January 24, 2013

2 Dads Or 2 Moms Or 1 Dad and 1 Mom Either or it's nothing but Love

There are thousands of children in this world that are orphans that need and want a home, a stable, kind, nurturing family that will love them and take care of them. So what are "ideal" parents? Parents that will love you when you lest deserve it but most need it, parents that will guide you through a world that’s still so unknown even to them. Parents that will teach you right from wrong, parents that will chase all the nightmares away. Parents that will let you believe and make your own fairytales true, parents that will support you through your many failures and triumphs. Parents that will cheer for you no matter what sport you choose to play, parents that will be at every play, and every dance recital. Parents that will let you express yourself freely, parents that will make holidays beyond special.  Parents that will stand by your side no matter what happens, parents that will provide a safe, stable, and loving environment. Parents that will nurture you and let you fly when you’re ready. Are those ideal parents? I think those are beyond ideal parents. And if the couple just happens to be, same-sex does that take away from anything that they have to offer to a child? No. A couple’s sexual orientation should not be a factor in whether they can or cannot adopt. Some individuals say that allowing same-sex couples to adopt is just giving other children or adults a bigger opportunity to "bully" the child. I'm sorry are only children that have same-sex parents bullied? No. A child’s parents are not a factor in whether they are bullied or judged at all. Children unfortunately are bullied no matter what. Just because they are, a same-sex couple does not give anyone the right to deny them the right to create a beautiful family. Same-sex couples are just as capable to be fantastic parents just as male-female couples are. A couple’s sexual orientation should NEVER be a factor in whether they should be able to adopt or not. There are many many children in this world that need good homes, let’s not keep them from a good home just because some people think same-sex couples are any less qualified to be parents. Keep your minds and hearts open don't deny a child a loving home because you think it's wrong.



[Image from Google]

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