Sunday, January 6, 2013

My family is bananas, how about yours?

Family, what can I say? Well I'll start by saying that my family is dysfunctional to say the least. We all and I do mean all have strong personalities. We will deny that we are wrong, we will argue until the other person gives up, we will make our opinions, thoughts, and feelings heard. Sometimes we are so dysfunctional I think we need extensive therapy, does that make it sound like we shoul be locked up in an asylum? Don't answer that. Sure family is always the first to criticize and judge and point out all your flaws and mistakes. But there also the first ones there to hold your hand when your scared, wipe your tears when your heart has been broken, and they always let you know that you are loved regardless of your, actions, words, and life style. Family is forever they can never be replaced or forgotten. Family is what ties us to ths crazy world. They keep us grounded but let us soar. They give you endless love and at times advice we don't want but desperately need. Family is crazy, and loud but there is never a dull moment. In my famliy we can be at each others throats one second and the next moment we can be sitting down calm as can be watching a movie. We are from, very from normal. We fight and argue and yea we even scream and very loudly may I add. But I know that bad or good happy or sad rich or poor they are there for me without me even having to say a word. My family is crazy but I am too (just a little don't go calling the local asylum now) so I fit in perfect. Everyones family is embarassing and way to out of the box so don't be embaressed by yours, instead embrace it and rock it! Family is a treasure a unique one and complicated but a beautiful one. Friends, boyfriends, girlfriends, and at times even husbands and wives come and go but family will always remain.


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