Monday, September 30, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Everything you can imagine is real."
                                             -Pablo Picasso

Writer's Block

Writers block, I hate it. I can be writing and all of a sudden, my mind goes completely blank, as if someone erased all my thoughts with a snap of their fingers. I get so frustrated when that happens, and it happens often well mostly when I’ve been writing for a while. I can be completely into what I'm writing I can be submerged in my own world, and then I crash. It's frustrating to say the least. There is nothing worse than having the words just spill out of you and then the flow stops. So what do I do when I have writers block? Sometimes I like to watch T.V, a movie, read a book, listen to music, arts and crafts; even just talking at times helps. There are many different ways to unblock your mind but the best in my case is just to step away, clear your mind. Don't think about it let the words come to you, don't follow them. The more you follow them the more they will run away. What helps you when writer's block strikes? 


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."

Oldie but a goodie.

Older people can teach you so much about love, heartache, struggles, success, failures, faith, and life. I don't think people actually realize just how much we could learn if we sat down and just listened. Everyone thinks "oh man they're old what do they know" well they know more than you think. There is a saying in Spanish that says" Mas sabe el diablo por viejo y no por diablo" which means "the devil knows more because he's old not because he's the devil". I think most people overlook them and see them as "useless" or a "waste of space,” but if you'd sit down ask questions and listen, you'll learn more than you'll ever learn in a book, or class. Older people can teach us about the way things used to be, how much a gallon of gas cost in 1920, what they did on Saturday nights, what was popular, and what it was like way before our time. There are things in this world that we will never know unless we sit down and listen. I love talking to older people I love their stories, I love the way they so freely share their experiences, I enjoy their company, there's nothing like sitting down and being transported back in time on the words of someone else’s journey. There is something unbelievable valuable about someone sharing what they’ve experienced in a different time, a time you'll never be able to fully experience. Sit down with your grandparents, your neighbor, or volunteer at a senior citizen center and just listen you'll be surprised at what you just might learn. You never know, maybe along the way you'll learn something about yourself. 


Friday, September 27, 2013

Quote Of The Day

 "It's better to burn out than to fade away."
                                                  -Neil Young

More Danger

I'm sure that by now, many of you have heard about the new drug called "Krokodil" which in Russian is "Crocodile"; it is a cheap substitute for heroin. The drug first appeared in Russia a decade ago and now it’s made an appearance in the US. It's referred to as Krokodil because it damages the tissue and causes sores and scale-like appearance on the skin. Two cases involving Krokodil have surfaced in a medical center in Phoenix, Arizona. The drug is based with Codeine which can be extracted from pills, they also use paint thinners and various other chemicals that can be found in home improvement stores. The acidity in Krokodil burns the body's fat and causes it to die. The chemicals in the drug make the body more open to infections and long term damage more dangerous. A dangerous drug to say the least, but are there not enough drugs in the world that people feel the need to come up with more? Is the high that is limited, outweigh the side effects that might last a lifetime? Is the thrill of those moments were everything else fades worth the consequences that will forever be present? Drugs are not something to play with, as you all know. Drugs and their consequences are not worth the danger that comes with them. It is not worth the self hurt. Drugs are life altering, parents’ watch your kids talk to them about the dangers of abusing drugs. Let them know the effects it can have, let them know that these drugs are made with dangerous chemicals. Talk to them but don’t talk at them, trust me there is a difference, and kid’s well we’ve all been kids and there’s nothing more kids hate then when their parents talk at them. Make sure they know the harm that comes with doing drugs. Adults, well adults know what can happen and know the dangers no one can stop an adult if that is what they choose. All you can do is offer your support and hope they accept it. If you know anyone or you would like help with drug addiction you can contact the 24 Hour Addiction Hotline at 800-447-9081 or go to Be safe.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is."
                                                                         -Albert Camus 

More, More and More.

I think that as a society we've become very selfish and greedy. We want more and more and more, never quite satisfied with what we have. I'm not saying that we shouldn’t have the need to be better or have better but I think we also have to be grateful and humble with what we do have. Because that house you take for granted, someone else wishes they had it. That car you say is a piece of junk is what another person wishes they had. If you have a home, food, and health, shouldn’t you be happy? When we are greedy nothing we have is good enough. You'll always want something bigger and better, you're always going to want what someone else has just because you’re not satisfied with what you do have. Now a days you can't go a day without hearing someone say they no longer like their IPhone that just came out and they can't wait for the new one. We want diamond rings, fancy cars, multimillion mansions and wall without doing any work at all. When did we become so selfish and greedy? I know that there is a part of our human nature, that is selfish and greedy, but where is the limit to it? What happened to appreciating the little things? What happened to being grateful for what you have? When did having a home, car, job, health, and family become not enough? If we are never content with what we have, then what will make us happy? If we spend all our lives, wanting more and never appreciating what we have then what's the point? Chances are something in your life will eventually bring you too your knees and make you appreciate and realize just how much you actually have. It's happened to me, I was humbled, and it is exactly what I needed. I know that there will still be times were I'll get greedy or selfish, like I said its human nature. Every day I strive to be grateful for what has been given to me, and if I want better things in my life then I will work for it, but I'll never forgot how easily it can be taken away. However the question still remains, at what point will we be satisfied? 


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"In a time of destruction, create something." 
                                 -Maxine Hong Kingston 

Stay Safe!

Can anyone answer me why parents let their children walk to school alone? I see 7- 8 year old kids and sometimes younger walking to school all alone, first of all kids get distracted easily and how many kids  do you know that pay attention to see if there are any car's coming or who use the crosswalk? Why do parents let their children walk to school alone at such a young age? Now a days you can’t even let your children play in the yard alone. Don’t be lazy and let your kid walk to school alone, get up and walk your kid and wait until they’re inside the school. If you can’t because you’re sick or you have to go to work or appointments, anything, talk to another parent someone you trust and ask if they can take your kid. They are a lot of weird people out there these days and I don’t mean a good weird. Watch your kids in stores, parks, restaurants you never know what can happen and it can happen when and where you least expect it. I know how fast, and sneaky kids are. I have a 3 year old niece who is a handful, you can’t take your eyes off her because she does her own thing and you won’t even notice. Do your best to keep your children safe, I know that’s every parent’s first priority, however still take every precaution possible. Always keep an eye on your children, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Teaching your kid’s self defense of any kind wouldn’t hurt either. Make sure they know who to go to in case anything happens. Give them a way of protecting themselves no matter how small that chance is, it might just make a difference. If you would like more information on keeping your children safe you can visit, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at you can find statistics, resources, and ways on how you can help.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
                                                                                                  -Albert Einstein

Ignore the Haters...

They say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" that saying couldn’t be more wrong. Words can hurt very much especially when they are coming from a place of hate; words have a way of sticking to you like super glue they can flash before you even when you don’t want them. Hurtful words are toxic they slowly spread until they infect everything. Words are our most dangerous weapon. No-one has the right to judge anyone based on anything. No one likes been told about their flaws. You have no idea what other people go through you don't know there burdens, fears, or feelings. What you say might just push them over the edge. What you take as playing are daggers to the heart to another. No-one is perfect everyone has flaws everyone is different, and those differences are what makes us beautiful, one of kind. The key is to accept yourself, learn to love yourself, and when you do, what others say can't affect you. People will always have something to say, no matter what you do, say, or dress someone will always have something to say. You can't spend your life dwelling on what others think. Life is way too short to be worried about what other people think. If you want to change something about yourself than do it, but do it for you. Don't do it to fit in. Don't do it to impress that guy you've liked since 6th grade. Don't do it to impress the girl across the street. Don't do it to make your family happy. Do it because it's what YOU want, because it's going to make YOU happy. If you change for other people rather than for yourself, than you're always going to be changing. If someone wants you to change, you're better without them in your life. Surround yourself with people who pick you up and avoid the ones that want to keep you down. Surround yourself with people that love you, ALL of YOU!  This makes me sound like I never get upset about what people say about me, but I still do at times. I'm learning to ignore them, trust me since I started ignoring them I am much, much happier. So please be careful with what you say, because words can only be forgiven, not forgotten. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free."
                                                                                                                     -Robert Tew

Navy Yard Shooting

First of all I would like to give my condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Navy yard shooting. Just in case you don't know what happened here is a little information. On Monday in Washington 34 year old Aaron Alexis entered the Navy base then proceeded to open fire in the cafeteria using a semi automatic, killing 12 people before being killed by police. Alexis reported to police hearing voices, and was under the impression that he was being followed. He did contact two Veteran hospitals and was reportedly seeking psychological help. It is believed that Alexis entered the base with a valid I.D, so there was nothing to raise alarm.  I'm sadden to think about how many more shooting like this may occur before something is done, to provide easy access for individuals with mental issues. Or someway to give help to individuals who may have thoughts of hurting themselves or others. Mental illness is not a subject that is talked about often, and it should be, it shouldn't be taboo. How can "Twerking" make headlines but not more information on Mental illness? It boggles my mind that dance crazes, who just got married, and who's divorcing is more important then something as serious as mental illness. It's unfathomable that situations as these keep occurring. I know Alexis was said to be seeking help, but somehow help didn't come soon enough. Once again my condolences to the families and friends of the victims.



I'm Back!

Hello friends!! I am officially back! I know it has taken a long time, but nonetheless I’m back! I will post something every day about anything like it has always been, and of course, you guys can offer topic ideas as well! I hope you guys are in good health and Great Spirit; I’m overjoyed to be back.