Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More, More and More.

I think that as a society we've become very selfish and greedy. We want more and more and more, never quite satisfied with what we have. I'm not saying that we shouldn’t have the need to be better or have better but I think we also have to be grateful and humble with what we do have. Because that house you take for granted, someone else wishes they had it. That car you say is a piece of junk is what another person wishes they had. If you have a home, food, and health, shouldn’t you be happy? When we are greedy nothing we have is good enough. You'll always want something bigger and better, you're always going to want what someone else has just because you’re not satisfied with what you do have. Now a days you can't go a day without hearing someone say they no longer like their IPhone that just came out and they can't wait for the new one. We want diamond rings, fancy cars, multimillion mansions and wall without doing any work at all. When did we become so selfish and greedy? I know that there is a part of our human nature, that is selfish and greedy, but where is the limit to it? What happened to appreciating the little things? What happened to being grateful for what you have? When did having a home, car, job, health, and family become not enough? If we are never content with what we have, then what will make us happy? If we spend all our lives, wanting more and never appreciating what we have then what's the point? Chances are something in your life will eventually bring you too your knees and make you appreciate and realize just how much you actually have. It's happened to me, I was humbled, and it is exactly what I needed. I know that there will still be times were I'll get greedy or selfish, like I said its human nature. Every day I strive to be grateful for what has been given to me, and if I want better things in my life then I will work for it, but I'll never forgot how easily it can be taken away. However the question still remains, at what point will we be satisfied? 


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