Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ignore the Haters...

They say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" that saying couldn’t be more wrong. Words can hurt very much especially when they are coming from a place of hate; words have a way of sticking to you like super glue they can flash before you even when you don’t want them. Hurtful words are toxic they slowly spread until they infect everything. Words are our most dangerous weapon. No-one has the right to judge anyone based on anything. No one likes been told about their flaws. You have no idea what other people go through you don't know there burdens, fears, or feelings. What you say might just push them over the edge. What you take as playing are daggers to the heart to another. No-one is perfect everyone has flaws everyone is different, and those differences are what makes us beautiful, one of kind. The key is to accept yourself, learn to love yourself, and when you do, what others say can't affect you. People will always have something to say, no matter what you do, say, or dress someone will always have something to say. You can't spend your life dwelling on what others think. Life is way too short to be worried about what other people think. If you want to change something about yourself than do it, but do it for you. Don't do it to fit in. Don't do it to impress that guy you've liked since 6th grade. Don't do it to impress the girl across the street. Don't do it to make your family happy. Do it because it's what YOU want, because it's going to make YOU happy. If you change for other people rather than for yourself, than you're always going to be changing. If someone wants you to change, you're better without them in your life. Surround yourself with people who pick you up and avoid the ones that want to keep you down. Surround yourself with people that love you, ALL of YOU!  This makes me sound like I never get upset about what people say about me, but I still do at times. I'm learning to ignore them, trust me since I started ignoring them I am much, much happier. So please be careful with what you say, because words can only be forgiven, not forgotten. 


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