Thursday, September 19, 2013

Stay Safe!

Can anyone answer me why parents let their children walk to school alone? I see 7- 8 year old kids and sometimes younger walking to school all alone, first of all kids get distracted easily and how many kids  do you know that pay attention to see if there are any car's coming or who use the crosswalk? Why do parents let their children walk to school alone at such a young age? Now a days you can’t even let your children play in the yard alone. Don’t be lazy and let your kid walk to school alone, get up and walk your kid and wait until they’re inside the school. If you can’t because you’re sick or you have to go to work or appointments, anything, talk to another parent someone you trust and ask if they can take your kid. They are a lot of weird people out there these days and I don’t mean a good weird. Watch your kids in stores, parks, restaurants you never know what can happen and it can happen when and where you least expect it. I know how fast, and sneaky kids are. I have a 3 year old niece who is a handful, you can’t take your eyes off her because she does her own thing and you won’t even notice. Do your best to keep your children safe, I know that’s every parent’s first priority, however still take every precaution possible. Always keep an eye on your children, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Teaching your kid’s self defense of any kind wouldn’t hurt either. Make sure they know who to go to in case anything happens. Give them a way of protecting themselves no matter how small that chance is, it might just make a difference. If you would like more information on keeping your children safe you can visit, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at you can find statistics, resources, and ways on how you can help.


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