Monday, September 30, 2013

Writer's Block

Writers block, I hate it. I can be writing and all of a sudden, my mind goes completely blank, as if someone erased all my thoughts with a snap of their fingers. I get so frustrated when that happens, and it happens often well mostly when I’ve been writing for a while. I can be completely into what I'm writing I can be submerged in my own world, and then I crash. It's frustrating to say the least. There is nothing worse than having the words just spill out of you and then the flow stops. So what do I do when I have writers block? Sometimes I like to watch T.V, a movie, read a book, listen to music, arts and crafts; even just talking at times helps. There are many different ways to unblock your mind but the best in my case is just to step away, clear your mind. Don't think about it let the words come to you, don't follow them. The more you follow them the more they will run away. What helps you when writer's block strikes? 


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