Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone."
                                                       -Mitch Albom

Dia de los Muertos

Next to Christmas Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is my favorite holiday. Dia de los Muertos is often miss judged due to the altars and skulls, some even believe it is satanic. On the contrary Dia of the dead is a tradition that holds a lot of meaning. Day of the Dead is not only one day but two. November first is Dia de los Angelitos (Day of the Little Angels) and on the first we honor all of the children and infants that have passed. November second is when we honor the adults. Dia de los Muertos is one day specifically dedicated to celebrate our loved ones it’s a day were we feel closer to them. It’s tradition to create an altar were we place food, candy, flowers, sugar skulls, candles, and photos of our loved ones that have passed. Altars can be in the home but also at the cemetery. At the cemetery, we clean the grave and decorate it with fresh flowers most commonly Marigolds, as well as the deceased favorite food and drinks. It is customary to spend the entire day with them, family of the deceased tell stories, pray and remember and embrace their loved ones that are no longer present. Day of the dead processions (parades) are common throughout the celebration as well, people dress up as Calaveras and carry signs, and photos all to honor the dead.  Day of the dead is a beautiful tradition that teaches us that just because our loved ones are no longer physically present doesn’t mean that we cannot remember, love, and honor them. Day of the dead is a tradition full of love and meaning, a way of remembering and honoring, a way to show that they are still and forever will be a part of our lives. If you didn’t know what day of the dead was I hope this helped a little bit. As soon as I get some pictures  will post them.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"The last whispered wish of age is to live it all again."
                                                       -Mooody Blues 

Is this Halloween or a club?

Halloween is right around the corner, and many people are still shopping for costumes. As we, all know there are thousands and thousands of costumes to choose from you don't even have to buy one sometimes the homemade ones are the best. However, has anyone noticed how costumes especially for young girls are getting skimpier every year? Skirts and dresses are shorter and shorter. Why, especially if it's a costume for younger girls? I understand its Halloween and it is the one time of year anyone can dress up as anything and not be "judged" so to say, but there’s a fine line between a costume and an outfit that belongs in a strippers closet.  If you are a mature older woman than fine wear the short skirt and tight dress, but what business does a young girl have wearing something so provocative? But we can’t judge the girls just for wearing the skip costumes can we? Because who buys them? The parents. And if the parents did not want their daughters giving the wrong impression then they would not buy them right? Right. There is a lot of creepy people of in the world that prey on young girls as it is and now when they’re wearing clothes that says “Look at me, look at me” well that’s the wrong type of attention especially for young girls. I know kids want to grow up fast and want to be able to make their own decisions and want to wear what they please but parents you’re in charge. There is nothing wrong with being your age theres is nothing wrong with dressing up as a princess, or vampire, or a zombie. But when kids dress up as "sexy witch" or a "playboy bunny" and they are not even old enough to stay out past ten then there's a problem. Don’t let your children talk you into buying them and letting them wear skimpy costumes. There is a fine line between age appropriate and “what the hell are their parents thinking?” Halloween is about having fun and enjoying the holiday, but age appropriate would be nice, especially if you're not old enouh to vote. 



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Family Time

Good afternoon friends! I have been spending some much needed time with my family. And let me tell you it's been great, especially getting to play with my niece's and nephew's. There has been a lot of hugs, laughter, and jokes these past couple of days. It's great to every now and then to step away from life and just be with family. What have you guys been up to?


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."
                                                                              -Mahatma Gandhi

What is going on?

What is going on n the world? Everyday there's another news broadcast on another shooting in a school. What happened to school being a safe place where you didn’t have to worry about getting a call that unfortunately there has been a shooting? What happened to the biggest worry a parent could have while there child was at school being that they got gum in their hair or they didn’t make it to the restroom? How is it possible that kids are still getting a hold of guns? After hearing about 1 or even 2 shootings, wouldn't the first thing a person that owns a gun would do is put it in a safe or somewhere out of reach especially if you are a parent? What is going through these children’s heads? What is going on in their lives that they resort to shooting? Why is this still happening? How can this still be happening? It’s beyond tragedy that parents keeping losing their children, and at places where they thought, they were safe. Parents talk to your children if you see them acting different or talking about things they rarely talk about anything that seems out of place talk to them don't ignore it. You never know what's going on in their lives if you don’t ask maybe by asking and trying to help you can not only prevent your child from getting hurt you might also prevent countless children and parents from suffering. I hope one day I'll watch the news without hearing about another school shooting, I hope all parents will one day feel safe about sending their children to school. Please keep a vigilant eye on your children talk to them whether they are getting hurt or whether they are causing someone else to hurt, your words might prevent a lot of heartache. Be safe everyone.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Happiness is pleasure without regret"
                                       -Leo Tolstoy

Spiders, Pumpkins, and Reindeers oh my!

Halloween is right around the corner so there are pumpkins, spider webs, fake blood, and candy all over the place. But have you seen what else is all over the stores already? Yes, I am talking about Christmas decorations right next to the zombie costumes. I love Christmas obsessed is probably a better word for it, but am I the only one that thinks it might be just a little too early for Christmas all over the place? I just think that the stores should wait I don't know maybe for Halloween to pass first? I understand Kirkland’s having Christmas decorations already because they are a home decoration store so that makes sense, but what about Wal-Mart and Target. Can't they wait for the middle of November or even the beginning? I just think it's too early as obsessed as I am with Christmas I think they should wait a little more. People are focused on creepy, bloody, scary decorations, not reindeers, and elves. In my opinion, they should let Halloween pass and let the anticipation of Christmas build a little more. One holiday at a time people! Do you guys think it's too early for Christmas decorations or did they not come out soon enough?


By the way, I'm writing this while listening to Kelly Clarkson’s new song "Underneath the tree" off of her new Christmas album "Wrapped in Red" that comes out October 29th.... Don't judge me I admitted that I’m obsessed with Christmas, plus the song is really good a potential classic! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bye world

Are there day's were you don't feel like doing anything?  It happens to me. Some days I just want to stay home and watch TV, or read all day  while wearing my pajamas the entire day. I think sometimes we just need a break from the world, a day were you don't have to talk to anybody or have to fake a smile. Days were you shut the world out can be amazing! Maybe its just me but I enjoy locking myself away far from the outside world even if it's just a day. If you've never done that, I say you try it. Get movies,  books, video games anything you enjoy and have fun lock the world out. Everyone deserves a day away from everyone and everything. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Without fear there cannot be courage."
                              -Christopher Paolini

What is too scary?

I recently read an article were a man decorated his home for Halloween nothing new right? Well the next day when his neighbors woke up and saw his decorations they actually believed that it was a real crime scene, so what did they do? They called the police. The man was not violating any laws, so he was able to keep his decorations up; he even added another body, so that got me thinking what exactly is too scary? Now I know that some parents worry about their children and they prefer if they are not exposed to graphic scenes. However, does that apply to movies as well? Or video games, cartoons, and even to kids them self’s, because as we all know kids can get rough. Halloween is graphic. Halloween is all about blood, guts, zombies, witches, vampires, werewolves anything that will produce fear. In my opinion the scarier the decorations the better! Because that is what Halloween is all about, well besides the free candy, and everyone loves candy! It's become a tradition to cover your house in cobwebs, man eating spiders, graves, and monsters. Some prefer "cute" decorations while others like them scarier while others like complete gore. Everyone is entitled to decorating as scary or as cute as they want. But what exactly is too scary? This question however can't have a concrete answer, because everyone’s definition of "too scary" is going to be different from the last. It all depends on what you prefer. And as I previously said in my opinion the scarier the decorations the better, just not scary movies I hate scary movies. So enjoy decorating your house, scary or not.


These are dolls that my sister painted and are now staring at people from the comfort of her front yard. My 3 year old niece even helped her paint them. Cool right? 


 [Image from-Estrella Gutierrez]

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"One of my main regrets in life is giving considerable thought to inconsiderate people."
                                            -Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not for Sale 

Some wounds never heal.

Relationships come and go fall into place and some fall apart. I'm not only talking about personal relationships I'm talking about all relationships. As we, all know friendships are the easiest to make but also the easiest to break. Family relationships well those are trickier. Family ties are harder to break given that family ties are the one strand of relationships that we should always fight for.  Relationships’ are tricky their maze after maze with some bobby trap always around the corner. The thing about relationships is that they're based on feelings and feelings are vulnerable. Egos, hearts, and trust are all on the line with relationships. Sure, it's a beautiful thing to have, there’s nothing like having a connection with someone else that understands you, someone that cares and truly loves you. However, what happens when someone in the relationship, hurts you to the point of no return? What happens when one of the only people you trusted is the one that broke your heart? Friendships and personal relationships are in perspective to family ties easier to let go. Friends well you can make one at the end of every corner. Boyfriends, girlfriends there’s always someone out there willing to love you. But family relationships, well those are the permanent ones. Those are the ones that cut deep when you've been hurt. Specifically because family are, the ones you think will always have your back. Now I'm not saying all family is like this, on the contrary I have seen families that closer than two super glued fingers. However have also seen some families that get torn because one person decided to turn their back on the only people that will love them unconditionally, and forever may I add. Those wounds close but never fully heal. So what do you do when that happens? Who knows! There is no answer on how to deal with a family relationship that goes south. There is no way to fully cope with the sting of betrayal from family. One thing however is certain, no matter how much it hurts, hoe much you've been hurt or how much you've hurt that love never goes away. You can try to lie to yourself that you throw in the towel and that you no longer care what happens to that person. And in reality you never stop caring, worrying, wondering, or loving them. Some love never disappears you simply put a sheet over it and place it in the back of the room. But it's there and it will always be there. The only thing I am certain in is that we should forgive. No not the reason, or the way the betrayal made you feel, but forgive for yourself. Let it go, because if that person can be strong enough to hurt you and not think twice about it than you be strong enough to forgive them for their deceit. If you hold on to all that anger, and hate what's going to happen? Is the other person going to be the one suffering or you? You are. By holding on to that grudge, all you’re doing is poisoning your heart, and by doing that, your letting the other person hurt you with your own hands. There is nothing easy about failed friendships, love relationships, or family relationships they all hurt and cut deep. All you can do is say your peace, wish them all the luck in the world, and move on no matter how much every step hurts. But it still stands, some wounds never heal.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"I don't wat to die without any scars."
                   -Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club 


Death, no one likes to think about it but unfortunately, it’s something we will all at some point in our lives have to face personally. I must admit I am terrified of death, don’t know why I just am, and as we all know fear is irrational. However, the one thing that scares me more than me dying is someone I love passing away. Death will come, and that is the one thing anyone can be sure of. Losing someone you love is beyond heartbreaking it’s devastating its life altering. No one can plan for it, when it happens it will be from left field. Even if by some chance, you plan for it when it finally happens, that preparation will mean nothing. Death never gives you a timeline of how many days, hours, and minuets you have left. Death doesn’t discriminate it accepts everyone; death is the only equalizer in life. I personally do not like seeing someone after they have passed, seeing them lay there lifeless, motionless, and cold, I don’t want that being the last memory of someone I love. That’s not how I want to remember anyone by. When someone passes I want to remember the good times, I want to remember their laughter their smile the way their eyes looked when they were happy I want to remember the way they made me feel. I want to remember the person, the spirit, not the empty shell that’s left behind. Death is the one thing that will alter us beyond what anything else in our lives can. Death comes and goes daily, but we can’t spend our lives waiting for it. We have to live our lives, we have to get mad, irritated, aggravated, and annoyed, love, hug, embrace, laugh, kiss, let people know you love them, don’t hold back, enjoy life. Someday all those things we did will be memories of who we were to our loved ones. Live life now, don’t wait for the end to start.                


Thursday, October 10, 2013


Having breakfast with my mom and grandma, then off to the stores. We're taking advantage of the beautiful weather today. Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Respect your body. Eat well. Dance forever."
              - Eliza Gaynor Minden

October is not just about Halloween.

I would like to remind all of you that October is not just about Halloween. October is also breast cancer awarness month. Remember breast cancer dosent just effect women it also effects men. Even though breast cancer is considerably lower in men it is still possible. So please do not be embarrassed or ashamed, if you feel like something is not right go get checked out. Early detection  can increase your chances of fighting cancer! There are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the US, and that includes women that have been treated and women that have completed treatment. If you would like to know more you can go to ww5.komen.org or to www.cancer.org


Statistics from The American Cancer Society

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."
                                                                  -Edgar Allan Poe

6 of the scariest places in the US

In honor of Halloween, I have compiled a list of six of the scariest places in the US! If you are interested in the Paranormal, or even if you’re a non-believer and want to experience it for yourself, this is for you. Some of these places have even been explored by paranormal groups such as Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters.

#1-  Bobby Mackeys Music World

Located in Wilder, Kentucky Bobby Mackey’s Music World is one spooky place. In the basement in 1896 a woman named Pearl Bryan was killed during a botched abortion, she was just 22 years old. In the 50s, another pregnant lady killed herself and her unborn child, because her father had her child’s dad murdered. Bobby Mackey’s has tales, of murder, suicide, love, lust, and even satanic rituals, there’s more than just line dancing going on at Bobby Mackey’s Music World.

#2- Alcatraz

Located in San Francisco, California Alcatraz is the scariest prison in America. Alcatraz also known as "The Rock" was home to the worst of the worst; thieves’, rapist, and murders. Alcatraz also housed insane inmates, who eventually died within the prison. It is said that you can hear screams, feel cold spots, and even apparitions.

#3- Gettysburg, Peensylvania

A historical place, but also where thousands of soldiers lost their lives violently and tragically. In many parts of the town there have been multiple ghost sightings reported. With a huge battle and so many lives lost why, wouldn’t there be paranormal activity right? 

#4- Lizzie Borden House

On August 4, 1892, Mr. and Mrs. Borden were murdered in their home located in River, Massachusetts. Mr. Borden was found downstairs on the sofa, while Mrs. Borden was found in an upstairs bedroom; Lizzie Borden was accused of killing her father and step-mother. Lizzie was arrested but was later acquitted. Many still believed Lizzie was a murder, perhaps that why she haunts her old house. If you're brave, enough you can actually go and experience it for yourself the house it is a bed and breakfast museum. If interested just go to lizzie-Borden.com 

#5- Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Located in Louisville, Kentucky this old sanatorium was once home to thousands of Tuberculosis patients. It was closed to be renovated in 1961 then reopened in 1962, and then finally closed in 1980. It is said that more than 50,000 people died at the sanatorium. It's reported that you can hear screams, unexplainable noises and even an occasional apparition. They offer tours some for a few hours and some for a full night, so if you’re brave enough have fun. 

#6- The Stanley Hotel

In Estes Park, Colorado is the inspiration for Steven King's The Shinning. He got the idea after he stayed a couple of nights at the hotel right up until it closed. There are many reports about paranormal activity. Staff reported hearing parties going on in the ball room, while it was empty. They could hear the piano playing, and when someone went to check, obviously no one was actually playing it. Luggage and jewelry also go missing with no explanation as to where and who. Other reports include seeing apparition by beds, and other were an apparition would appear and then disappear just as fast. The Stanley Hotel offers tours, however you do need a reservation. Are you brave enough to spend a night at The Stanley? 
