Thursday, October 24, 2013

What is going on?

What is going on n the world? Everyday there's another news broadcast on another shooting in a school. What happened to school being a safe place where you didn’t have to worry about getting a call that unfortunately there has been a shooting? What happened to the biggest worry a parent could have while there child was at school being that they got gum in their hair or they didn’t make it to the restroom? How is it possible that kids are still getting a hold of guns? After hearing about 1 or even 2 shootings, wouldn't the first thing a person that owns a gun would do is put it in a safe or somewhere out of reach especially if you are a parent? What is going through these children’s heads? What is going on in their lives that they resort to shooting? Why is this still happening? How can this still be happening? It’s beyond tragedy that parents keeping losing their children, and at places where they thought, they were safe. Parents talk to your children if you see them acting different or talking about things they rarely talk about anything that seems out of place talk to them don't ignore it. You never know what's going on in their lives if you don’t ask maybe by asking and trying to help you can not only prevent your child from getting hurt you might also prevent countless children and parents from suffering. I hope one day I'll watch the news without hearing about another school shooting, I hope all parents will one day feel safe about sending their children to school. Please keep a vigilant eye on your children talk to them whether they are getting hurt or whether they are causing someone else to hurt, your words might prevent a lot of heartache. Be safe everyone.


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