Monday, October 21, 2013

Spiders, Pumpkins, and Reindeers oh my!

Halloween is right around the corner so there are pumpkins, spider webs, fake blood, and candy all over the place. But have you seen what else is all over the stores already? Yes, I am talking about Christmas decorations right next to the zombie costumes. I love Christmas obsessed is probably a better word for it, but am I the only one that thinks it might be just a little too early for Christmas all over the place? I just think that the stores should wait I don't know maybe for Halloween to pass first? I understand Kirkland’s having Christmas decorations already because they are a home decoration store so that makes sense, but what about Wal-Mart and Target. Can't they wait for the middle of November or even the beginning? I just think it's too early as obsessed as I am with Christmas I think they should wait a little more. People are focused on creepy, bloody, scary decorations, not reindeers, and elves. In my opinion, they should let Halloween pass and let the anticipation of Christmas build a little more. One holiday at a time people! Do you guys think it's too early for Christmas decorations or did they not come out soon enough?


By the way, I'm writing this while listening to Kelly Clarkson’s new song "Underneath the tree" off of her new Christmas album "Wrapped in Red" that comes out October 29th.... Don't judge me I admitted that I’m obsessed with Christmas, plus the song is really good a potential classic! 

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