Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Gone to soon

I just read an article about students that lost their friend to leukemia that decided to make and wear t-shirt in her honor only to go to school, and be told that they have to either flip them inside out or take them off.  That’s right administrators in Battle Creek, Michigan told students of Lakeville Middle school that they could not wear the t-shirts. The banned shirts were decorated by the students themselves, they wore blue because that was Caitlyn Jackson’s favorite color, and orange because it is the color to promote leukemia awareness. Do you see anything wrong with these students that have just lost a friend much to young, honoring her by wearing shirts to not only promote leukemia awareness but to also show that their friend is still present? If the shirts were inappropriate in some way then ok, but these t-shirts were not. Parents of the students heard about the administration’s decision and were mad to say the least some even wanted the administrators fired. After the school spoke to Caitlyn’s family the school posted on their Facebook page that the shirts would be allowed to be worn. Sure, they reversed their decision but the damage was already done. They made this act of kindness, and love seem disrespectful to young Caitlyn’s memory, when in reality in a world full of bullies and people that don’t care this act of kindness and love is a ray of light in a long dark tunnel. I would personally like to applaud these children for not only their loyalty to a friend gone to soon but for taking the time to honor her. My sincerest condolences to all of Caitlyn’s friends and family during this difficult time. Caitlyn will live on in the hearts of all she touched. Rest in Peace Caitlyn.


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