Saturday, November 2, 2013


Yet another tragic shooting, what is going on in this world? Not just another tragic shooting but did you guys hear about the unfortunate stabbing of a 9 month pregnant woman? First of all what kind of sick twisted individual not only stabs a person but a pregnant woman? But to stab her because she owed you money?  If that in its self was not bad, enough the woman’s husband witnessed the stabbing while overseas. Can you imagine the fear, and agonizing pain and terror to witnessing your wife, pregnant wife being stabbed and not being able to do anything about it? The mother is in critical condition, but reports are saying that the baby is ok. It seems like every day there is another tragic story on the news, it has gotten to the point where the news is depressing. You can't watch the news, or go on the internet without there being a headline of another tragic situation somewhere in the world. What happened to human decency? What happened to patients, and understanding? What happened humanity? It's gotten ridiculous if you ask me. People are scared to send their children to school, people are still terrified of flying and the LAX shooting doesn’t help, and now even expecting mothers are in danger? It's beyond sad what the world has become. It saddens me to think that my nieces, nephews, and goddaughter are growing up in a world with more terror, and nightmares than happiness and great opportunities. Be safe everyone.  


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