Monday, November 4, 2013

Open the door will you?

Do you guys ever find that you automatically keep things or people out, and don’t even notice it until you’ve already done it? I wonder how many opportunities or great people we have pushed away, how many beautiful moments have we kept from happening? I think our fears and our terror of failing or being hurt keeps us from what just might be our happy beginnings. Our survival mode brings us to build walls and not enough bridges; it keeps us from doing anything that can hurt us in more ways than just physically. It’s our natural instinct to keep hurt at bay, it’s automatic for us to want to keep ourselves sheltered and protected, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, by doing so are we hurting ourselves more than anything? Maybe just maybe the things we pray, hope, and wish for are some of the very things we’re keeping out. Sometimes there needs to be hurt in order to know when you’re healing, there needs to be tears to realize what a smile really means, and there needs to be closed doors in order for us to find our own bridges and our windows. I know there are situations in our lives that led us to build walls, but we can’t let our past dictate our presents, or our future, we can only learn from it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we should take a leap of faith and open the door; maybe what we’ve always wanted will make its way into our lives.


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