Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Stingy Jack/ Jack-O-Lanterns

Have you ever wondered were Jack-O-Lanterns come from? or how they got satarted? If you do,wonder no more because below is the story of how they statrted.

According to the story "Stingy Jack" invited the devil to have a drink with him. True to his name Stingy Jack didn't want to pay for his drink, so he convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin that Jack could use to buy their drinks once the devil did so Jack decided to keep the money and put it into his pocket next to a silvercross which prevented the devil from changing back into his original form. Jack eventually freed the devil, under the condition that he would not bother Jack for one year and that if Jack should die he would not claim his soul. The next year Jack again tricked the devil into climbing into a tree to pick a piece of fruit while he was up in the tree. Jack carved a sign of the cross into the trees bark so that the devil could not come down until the devil promised Jack not to bother him for ten more years. Soon after Jack died  as legend goes God would not allow such an unsaving figure into heaven. The devil upset by the trick Jack had played on him and keeping his word not to claim his soul would not allow Jack into hell. He sent Jack off into the dark night with only a burning coal to light his way. Jack put the coal into a carved out turnip and has been roaming the earth ever since. The Irish began to refer to this ghostly figure as "Jack-of the lantern" and then simply "Jack-O-Lantern" in Ireland and in Scotland people began to make their own versions of Jack's lanterns by carving scary faces into turnips or potatos and placing them into windows or near doors to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wondering evil spirits.Immigrants from these countires brought the Jack-O-Lantern tradition with them when they came to the United States. They soon found that pumpkins a fruit native to America, make perfect Jack-O-Lanterns.

From www.History.com

Some people say God gave Jack the lantern so that he wouldn’t have to live in the darkness, and others say that the devil was so furious with Jack for tricking him twice that he cut off Jack’s head and replaced it with a carved pumpkin.
Either way you tell it or read it, it's a great story hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.



Sunday, October 28, 2012

Biting My Nails...

Tomorrow is the big day!! I'm so nervous, even if I try not to think about it I can't avoid it. I'm trying my best to think positive and  keep calm, but I can't!! It's in the back of my mind 24/7 and I know that tomorrow it's only going to be worse. So today I'm going to try my best to keep myself busy to avoid over thinking at least until tomorrow morning. I just hate waiting. So wish me luck and hope that I don't cuss or say something completely stupid, if all goes well I will tell you guys what I've been a wreck about tomorrow around 2:30pm!!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ray of Hope!! :)

I'm so happy today!!!! Why? Because today I got a small ray of hope!! I'm extremely excited so excited this is how my face looks as I write xD haha Just when I was about to give up out of no where here comes this hope! I'm nerveous and excited all in one! I'm... I'm...I'm just plain happy! I was upset and ready to throw in the towel and say I'm done. Then BAM an opportunity presented itself. Now I just have to wait till Monday and pray that everything goes fine! Thank you for the good Juju!! Wish me luck for Monday.
 "Hope, which whispered from Pandora's box after all the other plagues and sorrows had escaped, is the best and last of all things."
                     — Ian Caldwell (The Rule of Four)



Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fix what you helped brake

People are such complicated creatures, you can never get a straight answer from them. When you ask or try to explain there is always confusion even after you have tried your best to convey your point. Then you think to yourself is it me? Can I not get my point of view across? Or is it the other person? Do they not want to listen to me? Do they even want to have this conversation? Do they even care? All this questions come into play when you are trying to either fix, voice your opinions, or voice your concerns. Its difficult to speak with someone that dosen't really care or that is in their own world. You can try your best to make a bad situation better you can give it your all you can even swallow your pride to make it work, but the truth is, if the other person(s) doesn't want to make an effort in the right direction then all your attemts to make it better are in vain. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let it go. Stop trying to push the subject and hope that the other person(s) realizes that if they don't lend a helping hand in fixing what they helped brake things will never get better.

 "You can only lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Loving Him

Loving him was like owning a new car exciting and full of smiles. Loving him was like nothing that could ever compare to anything in this world. Loving him was like seeing the sea for the first time nothing but beauty. Loving him was passion and sin all in one. Loving him was like realizing you never wanted to be anywhere else in this world. Loving him was like finding peace in chaos. Loving him was sweet as tea and dangerous as fire. Loving him was like seeing the world after being blind all my life. Loving him was like I was lost in a drift of dreams. Loving him was like living in a fairytale. Loving him was a dream. Loving him was like roses, pure and innocent. Loving him was like staring at stars completely dazzling. Loving him was finding light in the darkest of days. Loving him was finding magic in the still of the night. Loving him was as easy as breathing, and effortless as living. Loving him was believing lies. Loving him was a mistake. Loving him was like playing Russian roulette the gun had to go off and it went off on me, loving him meant the death of everything I’ve ever known. Loving him was the end of my very being. Loving him was the end of me.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Have you seen my phone?

How many of you can go at least 24 hours without technology? My guess not many and if some can probably for no more that 24 hours. Technology has changed everything most of us can't even remember a phone number, why? because all are numbers are on phones. Before cell phones people would remember every phone number they needed and now you just push a few buttons and boom there they are at your disposal. I'm not saying I'm not one of those person that's not all into technology but I think that sometimes we depend all to entirely on technology. Before if you wanted to talk to someone you would give them a call, go visit them or write a letter, and now its nothing but text messaging or Facebook, rarely is there any actual interaction. Don't get me wrong all this new tech comes in handy, say your cousin lives in New York and you live in Dallas and you guys really want to see each other but neither of you can afford a plane ticket, what do you do? Skype of course! Its easy and you can catch up without having to spend a dime on plane tickets. Technology is fantastic and makes life so much easier but I think we do rely on it too much. I doubt many can go without any cell phones, IPad, t.v, tablets nothing no technology. We've become to reliant on something so fragile and easily removable. I recently lost my cell phone and let me tell you the first couple of days without it were difficult, I felt like I was missing something I felt naked! Lets be honest that's a weird thing to feel when all you are really missing is a simple phone. Now that it has been over a week with no phone its not too bad but I do miss having everything in the palm of my hand, but I have so much time for other things now I'm not always texting or watching videos, but I do wish I had my phone back! haha Just think about it, think about how much we rely on technology?? Now challenge yourself and try to go at least 24 hours without any technology, if you are anything like me it will sure be a challenge. Good Luck!
                                    Isamar :)

Saturday, October 20, 2012

You want him to tranfer WHY?

Has anyone else read the article about an 11 year old boy named Colman Chadma form California?  Colmas school asked him to trasfer middle schools why? Because he carries a mutation of the gene for Cycstic Fibrosis , a disease that causes, thick, sticky mucus to build up in the lungs, digestive tract and other areas of the body , life threating not contagious and it is the most common chronic lung disease among children and young adults. School administrators told Colman he had to transfer because he was a risk to another student with the disease. An estimated 30,000 children and adults have cystic fibrosis, and 10 million more are carriers of the cystic fibrosis genetic mutation but do not have the disease, according to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Colman does not pose any risk for any of the students with Cystic Fibrosis or ones that do not carry the gene. If there is no risk to him and any other student attending the same school as Colman then why ask him to transfer? Prior to Colman attending his current school there was already another student with Cystic Fibrosis attending the same school that wants Colman to transfer.There are many children who carry the gene but will never develop the disease. Children with CF and carriers of the gene can attend the same school but they can not be in the same classroom or must be 3 feet away from each other according to the infection control guidelines from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. According to Dr. john LiPuma with proper hygiene its unlikely that any infection will occur.So if Colman is not a threat to anyone and CF is not contagous, is it pure ignorance of the school to ask a child that has no control or choice in having or not having CF to transfer? Must be beacuse as I see it his a normal kid that just happens to carry a gene for CF. Best of luck to Colman and his parents

Monday, October 15, 2012

No Money Honey

Can we talk about how hard it is to find a job? I've been looking for a job for months! And no-one calls me back not even a ray of hope! It's ridiculous really I have no money to pay my phone, help pay bills, put gas in the car or even to buy a candy bar. That's right I can't even afford to buy a candy bar and they're like a dollar something. Im broke. I don't understand how people can say that the economy is better, really? Where do you live? Money City?  I'm constantly putting in more job applications with the hope that someone will give me a chance. Now I'm thinking about maybe baking goodies to sell maybe that would help until I got a full time job.. I just need something to be able to help out at home. It's stressful not having  a job and having a stack of bills that don't care if you don't have money. Then when there is money but not enough to pay all the bills and still have money left for groceries, and gas what do you do? Do you pay the light, and not eat? Do you put gas in the car but don't pay the water bill? It's a never ending story of stress and wishes of winning the lottery. And some how you still have to find some way to stay positive. It's an ordeal alright. Some days I'm extremly positive and others I give up all together. I just need good Juju and a job!
                                    Isamar :)

  If only money grew on trees!!   

Sunday, October 14, 2012


There is nothing quite like bieng with family. Sure your sister can push your buttons and your brother can make fun of you all day. Your mom can criticize your outfit, and your dad can yell at you for everything. However those precious moments when you're all together is absolutely beautiful. Those few moments were your all laughing and smiling there's nothing like those moments. Those moments are what are going to last even after death. Everyone says "I rather be with my friends, I see my family every day" but think about it, when you're old and can no longer party hard are you going to wish you would of partied more, or wish you would of spent more time with family? Don't get me wrong going out with friends and having fun without family is good everyone needs those moments away. However there is nothing like bieng surrounded and embraced by people that love you no matter how annoying or sarcastic you are. I love my family more than anything in this universe, we are dysfunctional, loud, opinionated, and blunt but we're family and that is a beautiful thing. So enjoy your family spend time with them, laugh and smile until you can't no more.
                   Isamar :)

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Everyone has stress in their lives, it just depends on how you cope with it. Stress is everywhere, bills, love life, friendships, deadlines, frustrations, and just life in general. If you let it stress will eat you up, it will take over every aspect of your life and then you'll be a wreck. I know it's hard to cope with it and even trying to elimanate it is stressful, but you somehow have to deal with it other wise your going to drowned and fast. Stress can cause different forms of symptoms from memory problems, aches and pains, to nervous habits. There are many ways to relieve stress some of them include


                                                    A relaxing bath


                                                          A massage


                                               Or just listen to music

They are many ways to relieve stress that can make you feel better, all you have to do is look for one that is right for you. For more information on stress and symptoms caused by stress visit www.helpguide.com. Hope you have a stress free week
                                   Isamar :)

Images from Google

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Where I'll be

Under the willow tree I meet him and under the shade we talked untill nightfall under the willow tree he kissed me and under the protection of the leaves he whispered I love you under the willow tree we would meet day after day under the willow tree we talked about our future, dreams, hopes, and wishes under the shade of the willow tree he proposed and under the willow tree we said I do under the willow tree our children played under the shade of the tree we see our hearts laugh and run under the willow tree we grow older and older under the tree we spend our days watching our grandchildren play under the willow tree he says I love you and I do too under the willow tree he takes his last breath and under the shade of the willow tree he now forever sleeps and under the willow tree is were I'll be.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Quality Time With My Siblings

Today I'm spending some quality time with my brother and sister. Movies, food, laughter, and some picking on each other is in order. We don't spend much time with each other anymore because my sister is married and has 5 beautiful children that take up all her time, and my little brother well I live with him but most of the time his with his fiance. It is important to make time for each other, it's important to make these memories that will last a lifetime. Sure we fight, argue, get on each others nerves, and push each others buttons, but we enjoy each others company. We rarely have time to be together so these rare moments are spectacular. So no matter how busy and hectic your life is find time to spend with your loved ones. You will never get this moments back not unless someone learns how to time travel.... is someone working on that? Because I really would like to meet actually I don't know who I'd like to meet, I'll get back to you on that.
                                     Isamar :)
This is how I feel about my brothers and sisters.... but I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October is going Pink!

Breast cancer affects mainly women, but some men too. Breast cancer in men is rare but it does acounts for 1% of breast cancer cases in the United States.Women with a family history of breast cancer are increased risk for developing breast cancer. It is important to self exam yourself and in case you find anything it's extremely important to go to a doctor as soon as possible, so they may do further test to determine if you need treatment. Early detection can save your life, early detection gives you a higher pecentage of affective treatment and suvival. In 2011 an estimated of 230,480 new cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed among women as well as an estimated 57,650 additional cases of situ (meaning the cancer is confined within the ducts or lobules were they originated) breast cancer. If diagnosed with breast cancer some treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, systemic therapy, cemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted therapy.If you'd like too know more about these treatments or anything about breast cancer, you can get help and information 24/7 online on cancer.org and by calling the American Cancer Society at 1-800-227-2345. They can provide you with informaton on hospitals, treatment options, and address insurance concerns, as well as many other services. Please get checked, and support those going through breast cancer.
                                 Isamar :)

Image from Google
Information from Cancer.org

Monday, October 1, 2012


             Welcome back October, oh how I've missed you.

The pumpkins, the spider webs, the scare crows, the candy, the electric feel of magic in the air. Enjoy October while it's here, because before you know it, it vanishes "Poof" just like that.
                              Isamar :)

Image from Google