Monday, October 22, 2012

Have you seen my phone?

How many of you can go at least 24 hours without technology? My guess not many and if some can probably for no more that 24 hours. Technology has changed everything most of us can't even remember a phone number, why? because all are numbers are on phones. Before cell phones people would remember every phone number they needed and now you just push a few buttons and boom there they are at your disposal. I'm not saying I'm not one of those person that's not all into technology but I think that sometimes we depend all to entirely on technology. Before if you wanted to talk to someone you would give them a call, go visit them or write a letter, and now its nothing but text messaging or Facebook, rarely is there any actual interaction. Don't get me wrong all this new tech comes in handy, say your cousin lives in New York and you live in Dallas and you guys really want to see each other but neither of you can afford a plane ticket, what do you do? Skype of course! Its easy and you can catch up without having to spend a dime on plane tickets. Technology is fantastic and makes life so much easier but I think we do rely on it too much. I doubt many can go without any cell phones, IPad, t.v, tablets nothing no technology. We've become to reliant on something so fragile and easily removable. I recently lost my cell phone and let me tell you the first couple of days without it were difficult, I felt like I was missing something I felt naked! Lets be honest that's a weird thing to feel when all you are really missing is a simple phone. Now that it has been over a week with no phone its not too bad but I do miss having everything in the palm of my hand, but I have so much time for other things now I'm not always texting or watching videos, but I do wish I had my phone back! haha Just think about it, think about how much we rely on technology?? Now challenge yourself and try to go at least 24 hours without any technology, if you are anything like me it will sure be a challenge. Good Luck!
                                    Isamar :)

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