Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fix what you helped brake

People are such complicated creatures, you can never get a straight answer from them. When you ask or try to explain there is always confusion even after you have tried your best to convey your point. Then you think to yourself is it me? Can I not get my point of view across? Or is it the other person? Do they not want to listen to me? Do they even want to have this conversation? Do they even care? All this questions come into play when you are trying to either fix, voice your opinions, or voice your concerns. Its difficult to speak with someone that dosen't really care or that is in their own world. You can try your best to make a bad situation better you can give it your all you can even swallow your pride to make it work, but the truth is, if the other person(s) doesn't want to make an effort in the right direction then all your attemts to make it better are in vain. Sometimes the best thing you can do is let it go. Stop trying to push the subject and hope that the other person(s) realizes that if they don't lend a helping hand in fixing what they helped brake things will never get better.

 "You can only lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink."


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