Sunday, September 30, 2012

Drink or drive but not both!

You drink and drive are you completely INSANE? Drinking while intoxicated is an accident waiting to happen. You not only put yourself in danger but everyone else as well. You drive better when you're drunk?  Really,  because most people can't even speak cohesively let alone drive well. You don't look cool and no your friends will not like you more if you drive drunk. Sure they might say that it's cool, and that they will like you more if you drive drunk. But are they and their families going to like you anymore when you crash and everyone is in the hospital severely hurt or worse dead? No. Drinking and driving are too things that should and will NEVER go together. When you drive it's your responsibility to be at your best. Other motorists have blind faith in you. When and if you drink and drive, you are not only putting yourself in harms way but also innocent individuals, that have nothing to do with your poor judgment. If your going to drink then call a cab or have someone call one for you,or have a designated driver. Please don't put your life in danger and others as well just to have a few moments of a good time. Make smart decisions and not poor ones that last a lifetime. Don't drink and drive ever! Be safe! Below are some statistics to give you an understanding on how severe drinking and driving is.
                  Isamar :)

•In 2010, 211 children were killed in drunk driving crashes. Out of those 211 deaths, 131 (62%) were riding with a drunk driver.

•Adults drank too much and got behind the wheel about 112 million times in 2010 that is almost 300,000 incidents of drinking and driving each day.

•Every day in America, another 28% of people die as a result of drunk driving crashes.

•Kids who start drinking young are seven times more likely to be in an alcohol- related crash.

•Car crashes are the leading cause of death for teens, and about one-thrid of those are alcohol related.

•Almost every 90 seconds a person is injured in a drunk driving crash.

•In 2010, 10,228 people died in drunk driving crashes -one every 52 minutes- and 345,000 were injured in drunk driving crashes.

Statistics from
Image from Google

Friday, September 28, 2012


Ahh Autumn, the changing of the leaves (if we had trees and not cacti), the flushed cheeks, sweaters, boots, the anticipation of the holidays. Autumn is beautiful, the weather begins to change from heat to light breezes and crisp air. People seem to get happier and nicer as the blistering heat comes to an end and the weather everyone loves begins. Autumn is a stepping stone to the chaos of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years all the holidays. Autumn is the calm before the storm where you get to relax and enjoy the season. It truly is a beautiful time of the year, and one of my favorites. So enjoy it while it's here. Rake leafs and then jump in the pile and scatter them around, do it over and over again. If we had leafs, I'd be like a kid in a candy store happy as can be.
              Isamar :)

Image from Google

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Bullying is a big problem, kids and even adults are being bullied. People don't understand the power that their words have. Sure there's that saying that says "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" which is not true. Physical wounds heal and then they're gone, but hurtful words are toxic. They seep into every part of you and destroy you. They eat at you from the inside out, words have the power to destroy you in seconds. They can destroy what took years to built in a blink of an eye. Words cause more harm than anything. Hearing the word "fat" or "piggy" to a person who is heavier can potentially lead a person to try drastic measures to conform to societies ideal of beauty. People are are bullied because of, ethnecity, sexsual preference, clothes, finacial status and so on. Why do people think that you have to look like a starving model to be considered beautiful? Why do people think loving someone from the same gender is wrong?  Why do people think that the only way to "fit" in is to wear designer clothes?  Why does everybody feel the need to shove their opinions and idea of right and wrong and beauty down everybody's throat? Why? No one has the right to tell anybody else that how they look is wrong. No one has the right to tell someone that who they love is wrong. No one has the right to tell someone that how and who they choose to live their life with is wrong. Please pick your words wisely, you never know what kind of damage you can cause with just one word.  If you or someone you know are getting bullied please get help, don't allow someone to hurt you. And please remember that you are beautiful, you are important, you are special, you are one of a kind. Don't turn off your light just because someone dosent like your shine, if anything shine brighter. So be you because you're one of a kind, a true priceless masterpiece. Be who you are and love who you choose, because "Those who mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss
                Isamar :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wedding Bells

Seems as if everyone lately is getting married. Is it something in the air?  If so please keep it away from me, at least for now. As I've previously mentioned my little brother(18 his my baby brother) is getting married, and just two days ago my other little brother ( his 21 but he will always be my little brother) announced that he is also getting married. Yes, you read right my baby brothers are getting married. I had already accepted that my baby brother was getting married, because I knew my other brother was still going to be around. However I was clearly mistaken, I'm not saying I agree with them getting married so early, but I don't have a choice. I wish they would wait but once their minds are made up there is no changing it. Maybe part of it is because I'm not ready to let them go. Don't get me wrong I knew it was going to happen someday, but not this soon. Now I'm surrounded by engaged couples that are planning weddings. Marriage is a big step, it's a commitment like no other and certainly not something to be rushed into or taken lightly. It's a life changing choice and they've made it. I don't want them to grow up let alone leave, but despite my feelings, I wish them nothing but happiness and a lifetime of love and good fortune. All my wishes go out as well to all the couples getting ready to imbarke on a new journey as Mr. And Mrs. Now if only I could get my mom and grandma to stop trying to marry me off!! 
                Isamar :)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Have you ever tried to talk to someone and it seems as if no matter how much you try to explain the conversation goes no where? Well that happend to me the other day. No matter how many different ways, I tried to convey my point it was useless. Then again the person I was attempting to talk with, seemed like he was in "Lala Land". I'm not sure if it was myself that couldn't express my thoughts correctly, or if he simply did not want to listen. I tried to explain and make my thoughts clear, but If the other person dosent attempt to make the same effort, then the entire conversation is pointless. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, you can try to tell someone what you think and how you feel, but if the other person dosent want to listen simply move on.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Candid Words

Do you ever feel as if life is passing you by? I do, well it is passing me by. I'm stuck in quick sand, and it seems like no matter how much I try to climb out I sink in deeper. I can't seem to set myself free. Do you ever feel lonely? I do, no matter how many people are around me I always feel lonely. It's a struggle everyday to see the bright side of things. It's difficult for me to realize, that I too someday (maybe) will have someone that loves me the way my brother-in-law loves my sister. He loves her with no conditions, limits, or expectations. He accepts her as is, flaws and all. It's hard for me to invision a future like my little brothers. A vision that includes finding a person that is as weird as me but that loves all my quirks. I must admit sometimes more often than I'd like to say I feel as if I'll never find someone that loves me, I feel as if I'll never experience love. Yet, somehow everyday I wake up and think to myself "Today might be that day" and every night I lay down and I say " Today wasn't the day, maybe tomorrow" and hopefully someday I'll be able to lay down and say " Today was the day". 

22 :)

So yesterday was my birthday!!  I turned 22 years young :) I stayed home (celebrating with my friends on another day) my mom made me my favorite food Swedish Meatballs!  They were delicious, then it was cake and ice cream time, red velvet and cookies and cream ice cream. It was simple but very enjoyable :) I wish my sister and nieces and nephews could of been present, but maybe next year!  It was a good birthday if I do say so myself :) its important to celebrate , you never know when your last day will be :)

Friday, September 21, 2012

By Now

Here's something a little different

No matter how much I try I will never make you happy. No matter how much I try to be your idea of perfection I'll never come close. My good enough is never an ounce of your enough. I love you, God knows I do. But, I cant be someone I'm not. You think I wouldn know that by now. But, no matter how many times I tell myself that I find myself molding who I am into someone you wish I would be. I try and try to come an inch close to a person you would be proud of. You make me feel as if I'm nothing special, just an ordinary girl. I should know by now that I'll never be the person you want me to be. I know all I do is fail, that all my attempts are in vain, and that your encouraging words are hollow..... I should know that by now.


Always Hidden

   We always hide part of who we are. Why? Because society is cruel thats why. People are constantly judged on looks, finacial status, what car your drive, how big your house is, how many designer shoes you have. It seems as if enough is never enough. You have to have the perfect body the prettiest face the biggest mucles. People have to hide that they still watch cartoons and Disney movies, other wise you're immature and don't know how to grow up. Well I still watch Disney movies and trust me it's not beacuse I never grew up. It's because I still know how to be a kid, when I watch Disney movies the big bad world dissapears for a while. While that movie is playing I don't think about bills, school, or how much pain I feel. People always hide a part of who they truly are, yes, even from family and friends. People are afraid to get hurt they're afraid to be judged to no-ones wanta to feel like they're on the outside looking in. I get judged, because of my weight, the things I say and how I say them, the list goes on. But you know what, I don't care! This is me take me or leave me I will never change who I am for anyone, and neither should you. It would be easy for me to conform to what the world expects me to be, a proper well mannered, perfect body women, that never strays too far from perfecton. But I'm not and I won't.I have my own thoughts, dream, wishes, asspiratons, fears, and flaws, but they're mine. I hate when people say you're not normal. Excuse you, but can you please explain what normal is? Because normal is different to everyone. My normal is, going to bed at 3-4 in the morning and waking up at 2 in the afternoon, my normal is watching football in my pjs, my normal is fighting with my family and two seconds later everything is ok again. My normal is feeling like a child every Christmas, my normal is my own version. There is no one normal for the entire world, that's absolutely ridiculous. People need to learn how to be kinder and accept people for who they are flaws and all, there will NEVER be another one just like you. We are all unique in our own ways, we can never be replaced or duplicated. So I refuse to be something I'm not, I was born to stand out so I refuse to stand in anothers shadow. Like the saying goes " I rather be hated for who I am, than to be loved for who I'm not"
                                                            Isamar :)


Thursday, September 20, 2012


How many of you have tattoos?  My guess quiet a few.  I personally love and have a tattoo (more to come). My siblings and friends have some as well. They are an expression of who we are. Tattoos can symbolize family, obstacles a person has over come, love, and in memory of a loved one that has passed. Tattoos are art. People put so much thought, effort and time into them after all they do last a lifetime. However there are people that don't like them and that's fine. But, just  because THEY DON'T LIKE THEM does not give them the right to judge people who do. How people choose to express themselves is their right NO-ONE, and I do mean NO-ONE has the right to tell someone that what they choose to do with their body is wrong. Nobody likes to be judged for their decisions, but when it's someone else doing something they don't like,  they feel they have the right to let it be known. When in reality they should keep their opinions to themselves, unless someone ask for their opinion. Someone once told me she read "It makes me laugh when people tell me I'm going to regret my tattoos when I'm older. Yeah, when my health is deteriorating, and I struggle to get around, I'm sure the first thought I'll have is "Damn, I wish I didn't have this tattoos that remind me of the good days." If I'm lucky enough to get to an age where my tattoos are all wrinkled, then I'll be the happiest tattooed person ever. My life is my story and my body is my canvas and my body is where I choose to write my story. So respect me and my decisions as well as all other's with tattoos. I don't judge you because you don't have tattoos, so don't judge myself and others because we do. 
                   Isamar :)

My tattoo in loving memory of my beautiful niece Melody. Please don't tell me I'll regret it because I WILL NEVER regret having her walk with me through life.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


We only live once, so why not enjoy every moment? Now don't get me wrong I'm not saying go completely insane and do things you shouldn't. However I am saying to fill every moment with laughter, joy, and happiness.  You want to travel? Then travel visit Paris, Ireland, and Japan. Experience new cultures, learn new languages,  embrace different heritages. You didn't finish school? Then go back and study what you'd like to do. Life is way to short to leave it without doing everything you want. Life is complicated, crazy, challenging, and amazingly beautiful. There will always be hard times and tears, but it's important that you learn to laugh, live, love and breathe. There will always be bills, struggles, and obstacles that is just a part of life. However you have to learn to roll with the punches and still be able to get back up and continue down your path. There is so much to experience so many wonderful places to see and great people to meet. Life is a puzzle sometimes you'll be able to figure it out, and sometimes you might need to roam to find that missing puzzle piece. Don't postpone it because either with or without you life goes on. So you might as well enjoy the ride.
                 Isamar :)
I'm still working on rolling with the  punches. I'm a work in progress. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't Wait

Losing someone you love is a pain like no other. One moment you're smiling making plans for next week, and then you're making funeral arrangements. We really do take having people that we love, that love us back for granted. Think about it... while people we love are alive how many times do we let them know that we love them, that we appreciate them? Do you buy them flowers or jerseys just because? My guess not unless its Christmas, their birthday, or you really messed up! Instead of giving people flowers  when they die, why not when they're alive, to be able to watch their faces light up because they know they are special and loved? No, we always think "I'll tell them tomorrow" when in reality today might be all we have. Carpe Diem people!!  Buy your momma flowers and tell her she means the world to you. Take your dad to a football game make memories that last beyond life and death. Take your siblings out to eat, make sure they know that no matter how many fights you have, that you'll always love them. Let people know what they mean to you don't wait until they're gone. So go, go let the  people you love know you do. Yes, even if they already know, because people want to hear it and see it even if it's a given.
              Isamar :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

Against The Odds

I recently read an article of an 8 year old girl from Manchester,Conn. Her name is Natalie and she has ovarian cancer. I can't believe that someone so young is battling a sickness that takes even the strongest of people down. Life sure threw them a curve ball. I hope this little girl makes it against all the odds I hope she gets to make it to high school,  to college to whatever her little heart desires. I know most people hate going to the doctors, I myself am one of them. However it is important to get regular check ups to make sure everything is ok, and if by some chance it's not at least you'll have the opportunity to do something about it. So please take care of yourselves. Sending Natalie and her family positive vibes.
            Isamar :)


               Hello Everyone and Welcome to Crazy Talk!!
I will be talking about anything and everything that comes to mind, be it a problem, thought, dreams or just a rant. If you guys like you can suggest a topic you would like me to talk about and I'd be glad to. Thank-You for visiting my Blog I hope you enjoy.
                                                      Isamar :)