Friday, September 21, 2012

Always Hidden

   We always hide part of who we are. Why? Because society is cruel thats why. People are constantly judged on looks, finacial status, what car your drive, how big your house is, how many designer shoes you have. It seems as if enough is never enough. You have to have the perfect body the prettiest face the biggest mucles. People have to hide that they still watch cartoons and Disney movies, other wise you're immature and don't know how to grow up. Well I still watch Disney movies and trust me it's not beacuse I never grew up. It's because I still know how to be a kid, when I watch Disney movies the big bad world dissapears for a while. While that movie is playing I don't think about bills, school, or how much pain I feel. People always hide a part of who they truly are, yes, even from family and friends. People are afraid to get hurt they're afraid to be judged to no-ones wanta to feel like they're on the outside looking in. I get judged, because of my weight, the things I say and how I say them, the list goes on. But you know what, I don't care! This is me take me or leave me I will never change who I am for anyone, and neither should you. It would be easy for me to conform to what the world expects me to be, a proper well mannered, perfect body women, that never strays too far from perfecton. But I'm not and I won't.I have my own thoughts, dream, wishes, asspiratons, fears, and flaws, but they're mine. I hate when people say you're not normal. Excuse you, but can you please explain what normal is? Because normal is different to everyone. My normal is, going to bed at 3-4 in the morning and waking up at 2 in the afternoon, my normal is watching football in my pjs, my normal is fighting with my family and two seconds later everything is ok again. My normal is feeling like a child every Christmas, my normal is my own version. There is no one normal for the entire world, that's absolutely ridiculous. People need to learn how to be kinder and accept people for who they are flaws and all, there will NEVER be another one just like you. We are all unique in our own ways, we can never be replaced or duplicated. So I refuse to be something I'm not, I was born to stand out so I refuse to stand in anothers shadow. Like the saying goes " I rather be hated for who I am, than to be loved for who I'm not"
                                                            Isamar :)


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