Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wedding Bells

Seems as if everyone lately is getting married. Is it something in the air?  If so please keep it away from me, at least for now. As I've previously mentioned my little brother(18 his my baby brother) is getting married, and just two days ago my other little brother ( his 21 but he will always be my little brother) announced that he is also getting married. Yes, you read right my baby brothers are getting married. I had already accepted that my baby brother was getting married, because I knew my other brother was still going to be around. However I was clearly mistaken, I'm not saying I agree with them getting married so early, but I don't have a choice. I wish they would wait but once their minds are made up there is no changing it. Maybe part of it is because I'm not ready to let them go. Don't get me wrong I knew it was going to happen someday, but not this soon. Now I'm surrounded by engaged couples that are planning weddings. Marriage is a big step, it's a commitment like no other and certainly not something to be rushed into or taken lightly. It's a life changing choice and they've made it. I don't want them to grow up let alone leave, but despite my feelings, I wish them nothing but happiness and a lifetime of love and good fortune. All my wishes go out as well to all the couples getting ready to imbarke on a new journey as Mr. And Mrs. Now if only I could get my mom and grandma to stop trying to marry me off!! 
                Isamar :)

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