Sunday, September 23, 2012

Candid Words

Do you ever feel as if life is passing you by? I do, well it is passing me by. I'm stuck in quick sand, and it seems like no matter how much I try to climb out I sink in deeper. I can't seem to set myself free. Do you ever feel lonely? I do, no matter how many people are around me I always feel lonely. It's a struggle everyday to see the bright side of things. It's difficult for me to realize, that I too someday (maybe) will have someone that loves me the way my brother-in-law loves my sister. He loves her with no conditions, limits, or expectations. He accepts her as is, flaws and all. It's hard for me to invision a future like my little brothers. A vision that includes finding a person that is as weird as me but that loves all my quirks. I must admit sometimes more often than I'd like to say I feel as if I'll never find someone that loves me, I feel as if I'll never experience love. Yet, somehow everyday I wake up and think to myself "Today might be that day" and every night I lay down and I say " Today wasn't the day, maybe tomorrow" and hopefully someday I'll be able to lay down and say " Today was the day". 

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