Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Don't Wait

Losing someone you love is a pain like no other. One moment you're smiling making plans for next week, and then you're making funeral arrangements. We really do take having people that we love, that love us back for granted. Think about it... while people we love are alive how many times do we let them know that we love them, that we appreciate them? Do you buy them flowers or jerseys just because? My guess not unless its Christmas, their birthday, or you really messed up! Instead of giving people flowers  when they die, why not when they're alive, to be able to watch their faces light up because they know they are special and loved? No, we always think "I'll tell them tomorrow" when in reality today might be all we have. Carpe Diem people!!  Buy your momma flowers and tell her she means the world to you. Take your dad to a football game make memories that last beyond life and death. Take your siblings out to eat, make sure they know that no matter how many fights you have, that you'll always love them. Let people know what they mean to you don't wait until they're gone. So go, go let the  people you love know you do. Yes, even if they already know, because people want to hear it and see it even if it's a given.
              Isamar :)

1 comment:

  1. So true, we all do this we take for granted the people most importantant in our lives we need to be realistic for a minute and remember no one lives forever. I for one don't want to be that person who regrets everything I could have done or said after its too late.Time doesn't cost a thing but when we lose it, we never get it back.
