Friday, November 9, 2012

19 year old Zoe Everett

A 19 year old college student went from worrying about exams and what party to go to, to being a mother in a blink of an eye. Zoe Everett from New Jersey lost both her parents in hurricane Sandy when a tree feel on their car, her brothers Theo and Pierce were also in the car but survived with minor bumps and bruises. Zoe quit school to raise her 3 siblings, all Zoe was asking for was to be able to come up with $5,000 dollars to get by for a few months untill lawyers figure out how to procede with her parents estate. And in an overwhelming help from complete strangers they raised over $56,000 dollars in one day!! Many people offered their help from driving her siblings to school or a simple shoulder to cry on. I applaud Zoe for being a brave young woman to take on such a role as mother and father. She dose'nt have to put her life on hold, she dose'nt have to raise her brothers and sister she dose'nt have to do any of it, but she is and that my dear friends is extrordinary and brave beyond her years. Such courage and love in one person to take on such a tough role but I'm sure her siblings will forever be grateful for having such an amazing and loving sister I'm sure her parents are beyond proud of her.Best of Luck to you Zoe, Theo, Pierce and Talia and my condolences to your family and all others that have lost a loved one due to hurricane Sandy.



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