Monday, November 26, 2012

When It Rains It Pours...

It seems that when one thing goes wrong everything else follows. It seems as if no matter how hard you try, its useless. You don't have enough money to pay the light, the cars tire blew out, your daughter needs new shoes, your son needs glasses, just on thing after the other. You can try to be positive and tell yourself that everything is going to be ok, and maybe you're doing ok, you're coping with the issues but there always that one thing that sets you off. Theres always that one simple thing that makes you go over the edge, it can be droping your soda or forgeting to feed the dog. But those little things are not the problem, the major things like; not enough money, unemployment, useless car those are the things that make the little things seem so major and they're not but we always tend to let them get to us. Somedays are good and others,well you just want to crawl into a hole and hibernate. If you think about it, worrying does not make tomorrow any better, it does not change yesterday, but it does take away todays peace. No matter how bad things are always remind yourself that if your alive everything else could be worked out. Don't let life break you, I know it's easier said then done but driving yourself crazy is not going to fix anything it's only going to add to your already over full plate. Learn to enojy the things that are good, always and I do mean ALWAYS think everything is going to work out, if you think "Nope it's over, this sucks I'm doomed" then thats excatly what will be. Don't let life bet you, fight back with everything you have.    



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