Wednesday, November 7, 2012

A round of Applause for the Queen Creek High Football Team!!

Today I have a great story that gives you a little bit more hope in humanity. A special needs student in Queen Creek, Az named Chay Johnson was the new girl, and as we all know being the new kid is hard but add special needs and it gets a lot tougher, Chay has a brain disorder. Chay was bullied by fellow students and some even threw trash at her! Chays mother got in touch with one of Chays friend and he just happened to be the starting Quarterback for the Queen Creek Football team. As we all know being on the football team automatically makes you one of the coolest kids around, but also in most cases the kid that does the bullying but not in this case. Jones took it upon himself to sit with Chay at lunch and protect her, not only does Jones protects her but the entire football team does!! Thats right the entire Queen Creek High Football team protects Chay. Since the boys have started protecting Chay no-one has bullied her anymore, she is one lucky girl. Not only is she no longer being bullied but she is surrounded by all those cute guys! All we hear are about all this horrible stories about bullying and all the pain that bullies cause those they bully, and here there is one story, one story that gives you hope and makes you smile. This one story lets you know that there is still great, caring people in this world that help others when needed. This one story gives you a renewed ray of hope in humanity. Not only has the football team helped Chay, they've also let people know that bullying will not be tolerated and that those that are being bullied are no longer alone and no longer have to be afriad, and that there is still good hearted people in this world. Good job boys!!


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