Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tucson Comic Con

So today was an adventure for me, I stepped out of my confort zone and went somewhere that I would normaly never go, I went to Tucson's Comic Con. I must admit I had reservations about going I'm not into comic books, or anime any of that even though my little brother does and talks about it all the time. I thought to myself "why are you going?" why? because your friend asked you over a month ago to go with her and you said yes thats why! Oh yea". So I didn't want to let my friend down and I had already promised her that I would go so I did. When we arrived I was still a bit reluctant to go and even thought maybe I'll just wait outside and wait for them, but knowing my friend she would of never let me stay outside (she is very stubborn). So I walked in and at first I was like "Wooh baby where am I? You are completely out of place." But as we began to walk around I started to enjoy myself. People where dressed up some where Batman, Spiderman, Captain America there was even someone dressed as Sailor Moon! Do you remember Sailor Moon? No? well I do. It was a great atmosphere and much to my disbelief I enjoyed it, and most certainly would go back. I have no clue if I enjoyed it so much because I was with friends or because the excitment was contagious but I did like it none-the-less. The only problem is that I didn't take enough money to buy anything because I didn't think I'd like anything, but boy was I wrong :/ Next year I will remember to take money and I will most definitely take my little brother because he would of loved it!!


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