Thursday, December 5, 2013

Just an Update

Hello friends, I thought I’d just check in for a bit. I have been having a good “vacation” so far. I’ve been reading, and watching T.V, spending time with family, and crafting. I’m really enjoying my time off, but I’ve also been writing a lot, and I do mean a lot! I stay up all night just writing, and it feels amazing. I hadn’t been working on my book due to everything going on in my life, but now that things are getting better a little at a time but still better I have once again resumed work on my book. I hope to be finished within the next year or less. I really needed this. I hope you’re all doing well and once again Happy Holidays’.


Monday, November 18, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"I've got nothing to do today but smile."
                                           -Paul Simon

Starting Now

I have decided that I'm starting my holiday vacation as of today. I know it's early but last year I didn't celebrate the holidays as I usually do, let's just say it was a very hard year. So this year I'm going all in. I can't wait to bake cookies with my nieces and nephews I can't wait to do crafts with them. I'm ready to hang lights and decorate the tree. I can't wait to be sitting on the sofa wrapped in a blanket watching Christmas movies while sipping on some hot chocolate. I'm beyond ready, to say the least. I hope to be back sometime in January doing what I do best, write. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of laughter and turkey. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas filled with love, and cheer. And if you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, or whatever it may be that you celebrate I hope it's joyous. I hope the new year brings you and your loved ones good fortune, and new adventures. I hope the new year showers you with wishes come true and new opportunities. I hope 2014 is a year full of happiness and good health. Happy Holidays from my family to yours.



Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"It's the children the world almost breaks who grow up and save it."
                    -Frank Warren

Gone to soon

I just read an article about students that lost their friend to leukemia that decided to make and wear t-shirt in her honor only to go to school, and be told that they have to either flip them inside out or take them off.  That’s right administrators in Battle Creek, Michigan told students of Lakeville Middle school that they could not wear the t-shirts. The banned shirts were decorated by the students themselves, they wore blue because that was Caitlyn Jackson’s favorite color, and orange because it is the color to promote leukemia awareness. Do you see anything wrong with these students that have just lost a friend much to young, honoring her by wearing shirts to not only promote leukemia awareness but to also show that their friend is still present? If the shirts were inappropriate in some way then ok, but these t-shirts were not. Parents of the students heard about the administration’s decision and were mad to say the least some even wanted the administrators fired. After the school spoke to Caitlyn’s family the school posted on their Facebook page that the shirts would be allowed to be worn. Sure, they reversed their decision but the damage was already done. They made this act of kindness, and love seem disrespectful to young Caitlyn’s memory, when in reality in a world full of bullies and people that don’t care this act of kindness and love is a ray of light in a long dark tunnel. I would personally like to applaud these children for not only their loyalty to a friend gone to soon but for taking the time to honor her. My sincerest condolences to all of Caitlyn’s friends and family during this difficult time. Caitlyn will live on in the hearts of all she touched. Rest in Peace Caitlyn.


Monday, November 11, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Respect your body. Eat well. Dance forever."
    - Eliza Gaynor Minden

5 ways to avoid getting sick this season

I’ve been feeling sick the last couple of weeks, it’s as if I’m going to get a cold but it doesn’t completely hit. I figured with cold season coming I’d share 5 ways to avoid getting sick.

1- Exercise: Exercise helps circulate your blood that pumps germ fighting cells through your body that gets rid of toxins. So get to exercising!
2-Sleep: Another great excuse to sleep late! While we sleep, our bodies regenerate and restore damage done to the body during the day. So sleep for about 7 to 9 hours each night.
3- Pets: Turns out if you pet your, well pet it can increase your immune system. So grab your cat, dog, horse, goat whatever and get to loving it.
4-Clean hands: Obvious, we touch all kinds of things daily with millions of germs so washing your hands is one way of avoiding getting sick.
5- Vaccines: Here in Tucson every year they have free vaccinations in various locations, so look into any places in your hometown that offer free vaccines.

And finally, if you do get sick make sure to drink plenty of liquids, get plenty of rest and eat chicken soup it is proven to help when sick!


Thursday, November 7, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." -Albert Einstein

To save you, you must die!

I know this was a story about a week ago; however, I’d still like to share my thoughts on the situation. A hunting club in Texas is trying to raise money to prevent the extinction of the black rhino, wait for it, by auctioning a permit to allow a black rhino to be killed in Namibia. Yes, you read right they want to prevent the extinction of the black rhinos by killing one. Has it hit how stupid that is? Only 4,800 black rhinos are alive in the African wild.  They believe that the permit will sell for about 250,000 to a possible 1 million, with 100% of the profit going to The Conservation Trust Fund for Namibia’s Black rhino. The auction is “trying” to justify the permit by saying that the rhino being auctioned off to be slaughtered will most likely be an older rhino that already reproduced but can no longer, and that prevents younger rhinos from reproducing. Please can someone tell me how this justifies even an ounce of this so called effort to “Save the black rhinos from extinction”? I’ll wait. Can’t think of a good one? That’s because there isn’t one! How on this green earth does putting an endangered animal on a pedestal to be murdered good for the cause? Just because the rhino is older and can no longer reproduce it, should be murdered? Does this mean that this should be done with not only animals but also humans? Because as we all know there comes a time where eventually humans can no longer reproduce healthy offspring. Does the idea seem sick, twisted, and revolting? That’s because it is. There is no good reason to murder an amazing and beautiful animal that is already on the brink of extinction just because it has a few scratches’ on its skin and can no longer reproduce. If these millionaires are as eager as they claim to be to saving the black rhino, why not just donate the money without tainting it with blood of an innocent animal? Probably because they want the sick pleasure of being able to say that, they killed a black rhino. I doesn’t matter how much they try to justify what they doing this sure isn’t the way. Selling a permit to murder an endangered animal by killing one of the very endangered animals is disgusting, and hypocritical to say the least.


Monday, November 4, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens."
          -J.R.R Tolkien

Open the door will you?

Do you guys ever find that you automatically keep things or people out, and don’t even notice it until you’ve already done it? I wonder how many opportunities or great people we have pushed away, how many beautiful moments have we kept from happening? I think our fears and our terror of failing or being hurt keeps us from what just might be our happy beginnings. Our survival mode brings us to build walls and not enough bridges; it keeps us from doing anything that can hurt us in more ways than just physically. It’s our natural instinct to keep hurt at bay, it’s automatic for us to want to keep ourselves sheltered and protected, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, by doing so are we hurting ourselves more than anything? Maybe just maybe the things we pray, hope, and wish for are some of the very things we’re keeping out. Sometimes there needs to be hurt in order to know when you’re healing, there needs to be tears to realize what a smile really means, and there needs to be closed doors in order for us to find our own bridges and our windows. I know there are situations in our lives that led us to build walls, but we can’t let our past dictate our presents, or our future, we can only learn from it. I guess what I’m trying to say is that we should take a leap of faith and open the door; maybe what we’ve always wanted will make its way into our lives.


Saturday, November 2, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself."
                                                              -Lois McMaster Bujold 


Yet another tragic shooting, what is going on in this world? Not just another tragic shooting but did you guys hear about the unfortunate stabbing of a 9 month pregnant woman? First of all what kind of sick twisted individual not only stabs a person but a pregnant woman? But to stab her because she owed you money?  If that in its self was not bad, enough the woman’s husband witnessed the stabbing while overseas. Can you imagine the fear, and agonizing pain and terror to witnessing your wife, pregnant wife being stabbed and not being able to do anything about it? The mother is in critical condition, but reports are saying that the baby is ok. It seems like every day there is another tragic story on the news, it has gotten to the point where the news is depressing. You can't watch the news, or go on the internet without there being a headline of another tragic situation somewhere in the world. What happened to human decency? What happened to patients, and understanding? What happened humanity? It's gotten ridiculous if you ask me. People are scared to send their children to school, people are still terrified of flying and the LAX shooting doesn’t help, and now even expecting mothers are in danger? It's beyond sad what the world has become. It saddens me to think that my nieces, nephews, and goddaughter are growing up in a world with more terror, and nightmares than happiness and great opportunities. Be safe everyone.  


Friday, November 1, 2013

Welcome back November!

November is officially back! Time for turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, pies, cranberry sauce, and every other yummy food you can think of! Plus the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, who doesn’t love seeing all the floats? And of course, my obsession for Christmas seems less crazy now that it’s closer. Today is also Dia de los Angelitos, already paid a visit to my beautiful niece Melody. Hope you all had a wonderful Halloween, and may November be a great month for all of you.


My nieces and nephews had a great Halloween. My oldest niece was a vampire my youngest was a pirate and both my nephews decided to be Spiderman!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone."
                                                       -Mitch Albom

Dia de los Muertos

Next to Christmas Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is my favorite holiday. Dia de los Muertos is often miss judged due to the altars and skulls, some even believe it is satanic. On the contrary Dia of the dead is a tradition that holds a lot of meaning. Day of the Dead is not only one day but two. November first is Dia de los Angelitos (Day of the Little Angels) and on the first we honor all of the children and infants that have passed. November second is when we honor the adults. Dia de los Muertos is one day specifically dedicated to celebrate our loved ones it’s a day were we feel closer to them. It’s tradition to create an altar were we place food, candy, flowers, sugar skulls, candles, and photos of our loved ones that have passed. Altars can be in the home but also at the cemetery. At the cemetery, we clean the grave and decorate it with fresh flowers most commonly Marigolds, as well as the deceased favorite food and drinks. It is customary to spend the entire day with them, family of the deceased tell stories, pray and remember and embrace their loved ones that are no longer present. Day of the dead processions (parades) are common throughout the celebration as well, people dress up as Calaveras and carry signs, and photos all to honor the dead.  Day of the dead is a beautiful tradition that teaches us that just because our loved ones are no longer physically present doesn’t mean that we cannot remember, love, and honor them. Day of the dead is a tradition full of love and meaning, a way of remembering and honoring, a way to show that they are still and forever will be a part of our lives. If you didn’t know what day of the dead was I hope this helped a little bit. As soon as I get some pictures  will post them.


Monday, October 28, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"The last whispered wish of age is to live it all again."
                                                       -Mooody Blues 

Is this Halloween or a club?

Halloween is right around the corner, and many people are still shopping for costumes. As we, all know there are thousands and thousands of costumes to choose from you don't even have to buy one sometimes the homemade ones are the best. However, has anyone noticed how costumes especially for young girls are getting skimpier every year? Skirts and dresses are shorter and shorter. Why, especially if it's a costume for younger girls? I understand its Halloween and it is the one time of year anyone can dress up as anything and not be "judged" so to say, but there’s a fine line between a costume and an outfit that belongs in a strippers closet.  If you are a mature older woman than fine wear the short skirt and tight dress, but what business does a young girl have wearing something so provocative? But we can’t judge the girls just for wearing the skip costumes can we? Because who buys them? The parents. And if the parents did not want their daughters giving the wrong impression then they would not buy them right? Right. There is a lot of creepy people of in the world that prey on young girls as it is and now when they’re wearing clothes that says “Look at me, look at me” well that’s the wrong type of attention especially for young girls. I know kids want to grow up fast and want to be able to make their own decisions and want to wear what they please but parents you’re in charge. There is nothing wrong with being your age theres is nothing wrong with dressing up as a princess, or vampire, or a zombie. But when kids dress up as "sexy witch" or a "playboy bunny" and they are not even old enough to stay out past ten then there's a problem. Don’t let your children talk you into buying them and letting them wear skimpy costumes. There is a fine line between age appropriate and “what the hell are their parents thinking?” Halloween is about having fun and enjoying the holiday, but age appropriate would be nice, especially if you're not old enouh to vote. 



Sunday, October 27, 2013

Family Time

Good afternoon friends! I have been spending some much needed time with my family. And let me tell you it's been great, especially getting to play with my niece's and nephew's. There has been a lot of hugs, laughter, and jokes these past couple of days. It's great to every now and then to step away from life and just be with family. What have you guys been up to?


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind."
                                                                              -Mahatma Gandhi

What is going on?

What is going on n the world? Everyday there's another news broadcast on another shooting in a school. What happened to school being a safe place where you didn’t have to worry about getting a call that unfortunately there has been a shooting? What happened to the biggest worry a parent could have while there child was at school being that they got gum in their hair or they didn’t make it to the restroom? How is it possible that kids are still getting a hold of guns? After hearing about 1 or even 2 shootings, wouldn't the first thing a person that owns a gun would do is put it in a safe or somewhere out of reach especially if you are a parent? What is going through these children’s heads? What is going on in their lives that they resort to shooting? Why is this still happening? How can this still be happening? It’s beyond tragedy that parents keeping losing their children, and at places where they thought, they were safe. Parents talk to your children if you see them acting different or talking about things they rarely talk about anything that seems out of place talk to them don't ignore it. You never know what's going on in their lives if you don’t ask maybe by asking and trying to help you can not only prevent your child from getting hurt you might also prevent countless children and parents from suffering. I hope one day I'll watch the news without hearing about another school shooting, I hope all parents will one day feel safe about sending their children to school. Please keep a vigilant eye on your children talk to them whether they are getting hurt or whether they are causing someone else to hurt, your words might prevent a lot of heartache. Be safe everyone.


Monday, October 21, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Happiness is pleasure without regret"
                                       -Leo Tolstoy

Spiders, Pumpkins, and Reindeers oh my!

Halloween is right around the corner so there are pumpkins, spider webs, fake blood, and candy all over the place. But have you seen what else is all over the stores already? Yes, I am talking about Christmas decorations right next to the zombie costumes. I love Christmas obsessed is probably a better word for it, but am I the only one that thinks it might be just a little too early for Christmas all over the place? I just think that the stores should wait I don't know maybe for Halloween to pass first? I understand Kirkland’s having Christmas decorations already because they are a home decoration store so that makes sense, but what about Wal-Mart and Target. Can't they wait for the middle of November or even the beginning? I just think it's too early as obsessed as I am with Christmas I think they should wait a little more. People are focused on creepy, bloody, scary decorations, not reindeers, and elves. In my opinion, they should let Halloween pass and let the anticipation of Christmas build a little more. One holiday at a time people! Do you guys think it's too early for Christmas decorations or did they not come out soon enough?


By the way, I'm writing this while listening to Kelly Clarkson’s new song "Underneath the tree" off of her new Christmas album "Wrapped in Red" that comes out October 29th.... Don't judge me I admitted that I’m obsessed with Christmas, plus the song is really good a potential classic! 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bye world

Are there day's were you don't feel like doing anything?  It happens to me. Some days I just want to stay home and watch TV, or read all day  while wearing my pajamas the entire day. I think sometimes we just need a break from the world, a day were you don't have to talk to anybody or have to fake a smile. Days were you shut the world out can be amazing! Maybe its just me but I enjoy locking myself away far from the outside world even if it's just a day. If you've never done that, I say you try it. Get movies,  books, video games anything you enjoy and have fun lock the world out. Everyone deserves a day away from everyone and everything. 


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Without fear there cannot be courage."
                              -Christopher Paolini

What is too scary?

I recently read an article were a man decorated his home for Halloween nothing new right? Well the next day when his neighbors woke up and saw his decorations they actually believed that it was a real crime scene, so what did they do? They called the police. The man was not violating any laws, so he was able to keep his decorations up; he even added another body, so that got me thinking what exactly is too scary? Now I know that some parents worry about their children and they prefer if they are not exposed to graphic scenes. However, does that apply to movies as well? Or video games, cartoons, and even to kids them self’s, because as we all know kids can get rough. Halloween is graphic. Halloween is all about blood, guts, zombies, witches, vampires, werewolves anything that will produce fear. In my opinion the scarier the decorations the better! Because that is what Halloween is all about, well besides the free candy, and everyone loves candy! It's become a tradition to cover your house in cobwebs, man eating spiders, graves, and monsters. Some prefer "cute" decorations while others like them scarier while others like complete gore. Everyone is entitled to decorating as scary or as cute as they want. But what exactly is too scary? This question however can't have a concrete answer, because everyone’s definition of "too scary" is going to be different from the last. It all depends on what you prefer. And as I previously said in my opinion the scarier the decorations the better, just not scary movies I hate scary movies. So enjoy decorating your house, scary or not.


These are dolls that my sister painted and are now staring at people from the comfort of her front yard. My 3 year old niece even helped her paint them. Cool right? 


 [Image from-Estrella Gutierrez]

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"One of my main regrets in life is giving considerable thought to inconsiderate people."
                                            -Jarod Kintz, This Book is Not for Sale 

Some wounds never heal.

Relationships come and go fall into place and some fall apart. I'm not only talking about personal relationships I'm talking about all relationships. As we, all know friendships are the easiest to make but also the easiest to break. Family relationships well those are trickier. Family ties are harder to break given that family ties are the one strand of relationships that we should always fight for.  Relationships’ are tricky their maze after maze with some bobby trap always around the corner. The thing about relationships is that they're based on feelings and feelings are vulnerable. Egos, hearts, and trust are all on the line with relationships. Sure, it's a beautiful thing to have, there’s nothing like having a connection with someone else that understands you, someone that cares and truly loves you. However, what happens when someone in the relationship, hurts you to the point of no return? What happens when one of the only people you trusted is the one that broke your heart? Friendships and personal relationships are in perspective to family ties easier to let go. Friends well you can make one at the end of every corner. Boyfriends, girlfriends there’s always someone out there willing to love you. But family relationships, well those are the permanent ones. Those are the ones that cut deep when you've been hurt. Specifically because family are, the ones you think will always have your back. Now I'm not saying all family is like this, on the contrary I have seen families that closer than two super glued fingers. However have also seen some families that get torn because one person decided to turn their back on the only people that will love them unconditionally, and forever may I add. Those wounds close but never fully heal. So what do you do when that happens? Who knows! There is no answer on how to deal with a family relationship that goes south. There is no way to fully cope with the sting of betrayal from family. One thing however is certain, no matter how much it hurts, hoe much you've been hurt or how much you've hurt that love never goes away. You can try to lie to yourself that you throw in the towel and that you no longer care what happens to that person. And in reality you never stop caring, worrying, wondering, or loving them. Some love never disappears you simply put a sheet over it and place it in the back of the room. But it's there and it will always be there. The only thing I am certain in is that we should forgive. No not the reason, or the way the betrayal made you feel, but forgive for yourself. Let it go, because if that person can be strong enough to hurt you and not think twice about it than you be strong enough to forgive them for their deceit. If you hold on to all that anger, and hate what's going to happen? Is the other person going to be the one suffering or you? You are. By holding on to that grudge, all you’re doing is poisoning your heart, and by doing that, your letting the other person hurt you with your own hands. There is nothing easy about failed friendships, love relationships, or family relationships they all hurt and cut deep. All you can do is say your peace, wish them all the luck in the world, and move on no matter how much every step hurts. But it still stands, some wounds never heal.


Saturday, October 12, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"I don't wat to die without any scars."
                   -Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club 


Death, no one likes to think about it but unfortunately, it’s something we will all at some point in our lives have to face personally. I must admit I am terrified of death, don’t know why I just am, and as we all know fear is irrational. However, the one thing that scares me more than me dying is someone I love passing away. Death will come, and that is the one thing anyone can be sure of. Losing someone you love is beyond heartbreaking it’s devastating its life altering. No one can plan for it, when it happens it will be from left field. Even if by some chance, you plan for it when it finally happens, that preparation will mean nothing. Death never gives you a timeline of how many days, hours, and minuets you have left. Death doesn’t discriminate it accepts everyone; death is the only equalizer in life. I personally do not like seeing someone after they have passed, seeing them lay there lifeless, motionless, and cold, I don’t want that being the last memory of someone I love. That’s not how I want to remember anyone by. When someone passes I want to remember the good times, I want to remember their laughter their smile the way their eyes looked when they were happy I want to remember the way they made me feel. I want to remember the person, the spirit, not the empty shell that’s left behind. Death is the one thing that will alter us beyond what anything else in our lives can. Death comes and goes daily, but we can’t spend our lives waiting for it. We have to live our lives, we have to get mad, irritated, aggravated, and annoyed, love, hug, embrace, laugh, kiss, let people know you love them, don’t hold back, enjoy life. Someday all those things we did will be memories of who we were to our loved ones. Live life now, don’t wait for the end to start.                


Thursday, October 10, 2013


Having breakfast with my mom and grandma, then off to the stores. We're taking advantage of the beautiful weather today. Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Respect your body. Eat well. Dance forever."
              - Eliza Gaynor Minden

October is not just about Halloween.

I would like to remind all of you that October is not just about Halloween. October is also breast cancer awarness month. Remember breast cancer dosent just effect women it also effects men. Even though breast cancer is considerably lower in men it is still possible. So please do not be embarrassed or ashamed, if you feel like something is not right go get checked out. Early detection  can increase your chances of fighting cancer! There are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the US, and that includes women that have been treated and women that have completed treatment. If you would like to know more you can go to or to


Statistics from The American Cancer Society

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity."
                                                                  -Edgar Allan Poe

6 of the scariest places in the US

In honor of Halloween, I have compiled a list of six of the scariest places in the US! If you are interested in the Paranormal, or even if you’re a non-believer and want to experience it for yourself, this is for you. Some of these places have even been explored by paranormal groups such as Ghost Adventures and Ghost Hunters.

#1-  Bobby Mackeys Music World

Located in Wilder, Kentucky Bobby Mackey’s Music World is one spooky place. In the basement in 1896 a woman named Pearl Bryan was killed during a botched abortion, she was just 22 years old. In the 50s, another pregnant lady killed herself and her unborn child, because her father had her child’s dad murdered. Bobby Mackey’s has tales, of murder, suicide, love, lust, and even satanic rituals, there’s more than just line dancing going on at Bobby Mackey’s Music World.

#2- Alcatraz

Located in San Francisco, California Alcatraz is the scariest prison in America. Alcatraz also known as "The Rock" was home to the worst of the worst; thieves’, rapist, and murders. Alcatraz also housed insane inmates, who eventually died within the prison. It is said that you can hear screams, feel cold spots, and even apparitions.

#3- Gettysburg, Peensylvania

A historical place, but also where thousands of soldiers lost their lives violently and tragically. In many parts of the town there have been multiple ghost sightings reported. With a huge battle and so many lives lost why, wouldn’t there be paranormal activity right? 

#4- Lizzie Borden House

On August 4, 1892, Mr. and Mrs. Borden were murdered in their home located in River, Massachusetts. Mr. Borden was found downstairs on the sofa, while Mrs. Borden was found in an upstairs bedroom; Lizzie Borden was accused of killing her father and step-mother. Lizzie was arrested but was later acquitted. Many still believed Lizzie was a murder, perhaps that why she haunts her old house. If you're brave, enough you can actually go and experience it for yourself the house it is a bed and breakfast museum. If interested just go to 

#5- Waverly Hills Sanatorium

Located in Louisville, Kentucky this old sanatorium was once home to thousands of Tuberculosis patients. It was closed to be renovated in 1961 then reopened in 1962, and then finally closed in 1980. It is said that more than 50,000 people died at the sanatorium. It's reported that you can hear screams, unexplainable noises and even an occasional apparition. They offer tours some for a few hours and some for a full night, so if you’re brave enough have fun. 

#6- The Stanley Hotel

In Estes Park, Colorado is the inspiration for Steven King's The Shinning. He got the idea after he stayed a couple of nights at the hotel right up until it closed. There are many reports about paranormal activity. Staff reported hearing parties going on in the ball room, while it was empty. They could hear the piano playing, and when someone went to check, obviously no one was actually playing it. Luggage and jewelry also go missing with no explanation as to where and who. Other reports include seeing apparition by beds, and other were an apparition would appear and then disappear just as fast. The Stanley Hotel offers tours, however you do need a reservation. Are you brave enough to spend a night at The Stanley? 


Monday, September 30, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Everything you can imagine is real."
                                             -Pablo Picasso

Writer's Block

Writers block, I hate it. I can be writing and all of a sudden, my mind goes completely blank, as if someone erased all my thoughts with a snap of their fingers. I get so frustrated when that happens, and it happens often well mostly when I’ve been writing for a while. I can be completely into what I'm writing I can be submerged in my own world, and then I crash. It's frustrating to say the least. There is nothing worse than having the words just spill out of you and then the flow stops. So what do I do when I have writers block? Sometimes I like to watch T.V, a movie, read a book, listen to music, arts and crafts; even just talking at times helps. There are many different ways to unblock your mind but the best in my case is just to step away, clear your mind. Don't think about it let the words come to you, don't follow them. The more you follow them the more they will run away. What helps you when writer's block strikes? 


Sunday, September 29, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."

Oldie but a goodie.

Older people can teach you so much about love, heartache, struggles, success, failures, faith, and life. I don't think people actually realize just how much we could learn if we sat down and just listened. Everyone thinks "oh man they're old what do they know" well they know more than you think. There is a saying in Spanish that says" Mas sabe el diablo por viejo y no por diablo" which means "the devil knows more because he's old not because he's the devil". I think most people overlook them and see them as "useless" or a "waste of space,” but if you'd sit down ask questions and listen, you'll learn more than you'll ever learn in a book, or class. Older people can teach us about the way things used to be, how much a gallon of gas cost in 1920, what they did on Saturday nights, what was popular, and what it was like way before our time. There are things in this world that we will never know unless we sit down and listen. I love talking to older people I love their stories, I love the way they so freely share their experiences, I enjoy their company, there's nothing like sitting down and being transported back in time on the words of someone else’s journey. There is something unbelievable valuable about someone sharing what they’ve experienced in a different time, a time you'll never be able to fully experience. Sit down with your grandparents, your neighbor, or volunteer at a senior citizen center and just listen you'll be surprised at what you just might learn. You never know, maybe along the way you'll learn something about yourself. 


Friday, September 27, 2013

Quote Of The Day

 "It's better to burn out than to fade away."
                                                  -Neil Young

More Danger

I'm sure that by now, many of you have heard about the new drug called "Krokodil" which in Russian is "Crocodile"; it is a cheap substitute for heroin. The drug first appeared in Russia a decade ago and now it’s made an appearance in the US. It's referred to as Krokodil because it damages the tissue and causes sores and scale-like appearance on the skin. Two cases involving Krokodil have surfaced in a medical center in Phoenix, Arizona. The drug is based with Codeine which can be extracted from pills, they also use paint thinners and various other chemicals that can be found in home improvement stores. The acidity in Krokodil burns the body's fat and causes it to die. The chemicals in the drug make the body more open to infections and long term damage more dangerous. A dangerous drug to say the least, but are there not enough drugs in the world that people feel the need to come up with more? Is the high that is limited, outweigh the side effects that might last a lifetime? Is the thrill of those moments were everything else fades worth the consequences that will forever be present? Drugs are not something to play with, as you all know. Drugs and their consequences are not worth the danger that comes with them. It is not worth the self hurt. Drugs are life altering, parents’ watch your kids talk to them about the dangers of abusing drugs. Let them know the effects it can have, let them know that these drugs are made with dangerous chemicals. Talk to them but don’t talk at them, trust me there is a difference, and kid’s well we’ve all been kids and there’s nothing more kids hate then when their parents talk at them. Make sure they know the harm that comes with doing drugs. Adults, well adults know what can happen and know the dangers no one can stop an adult if that is what they choose. All you can do is offer your support and hope they accept it. If you know anyone or you would like help with drug addiction you can contact the 24 Hour Addiction Hotline at 800-447-9081 or go to Be safe.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is."
                                                                         -Albert Camus 

More, More and More.

I think that as a society we've become very selfish and greedy. We want more and more and more, never quite satisfied with what we have. I'm not saying that we shouldn’t have the need to be better or have better but I think we also have to be grateful and humble with what we do have. Because that house you take for granted, someone else wishes they had it. That car you say is a piece of junk is what another person wishes they had. If you have a home, food, and health, shouldn’t you be happy? When we are greedy nothing we have is good enough. You'll always want something bigger and better, you're always going to want what someone else has just because you’re not satisfied with what you do have. Now a days you can't go a day without hearing someone say they no longer like their IPhone that just came out and they can't wait for the new one. We want diamond rings, fancy cars, multimillion mansions and wall without doing any work at all. When did we become so selfish and greedy? I know that there is a part of our human nature, that is selfish and greedy, but where is the limit to it? What happened to appreciating the little things? What happened to being grateful for what you have? When did having a home, car, job, health, and family become not enough? If we are never content with what we have, then what will make us happy? If we spend all our lives, wanting more and never appreciating what we have then what's the point? Chances are something in your life will eventually bring you too your knees and make you appreciate and realize just how much you actually have. It's happened to me, I was humbled, and it is exactly what I needed. I know that there will still be times were I'll get greedy or selfish, like I said its human nature. Every day I strive to be grateful for what has been given to me, and if I want better things in my life then I will work for it, but I'll never forgot how easily it can be taken away. However the question still remains, at what point will we be satisfied? 


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"In a time of destruction, create something." 
                                 -Maxine Hong Kingston 

Stay Safe!

Can anyone answer me why parents let their children walk to school alone? I see 7- 8 year old kids and sometimes younger walking to school all alone, first of all kids get distracted easily and how many kids  do you know that pay attention to see if there are any car's coming or who use the crosswalk? Why do parents let their children walk to school alone at such a young age? Now a days you can’t even let your children play in the yard alone. Don’t be lazy and let your kid walk to school alone, get up and walk your kid and wait until they’re inside the school. If you can’t because you’re sick or you have to go to work or appointments, anything, talk to another parent someone you trust and ask if they can take your kid. They are a lot of weird people out there these days and I don’t mean a good weird. Watch your kids in stores, parks, restaurants you never know what can happen and it can happen when and where you least expect it. I know how fast, and sneaky kids are. I have a 3 year old niece who is a handful, you can’t take your eyes off her because she does her own thing and you won’t even notice. Do your best to keep your children safe, I know that’s every parent’s first priority, however still take every precaution possible. Always keep an eye on your children, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Teaching your kid’s self defense of any kind wouldn’t hurt either. Make sure they know who to go to in case anything happens. Give them a way of protecting themselves no matter how small that chance is, it might just make a difference. If you would like more information on keeping your children safe you can visit, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children at you can find statistics, resources, and ways on how you can help.


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
                                                                                                  -Albert Einstein

Ignore the Haters...

They say, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" that saying couldn’t be more wrong. Words can hurt very much especially when they are coming from a place of hate; words have a way of sticking to you like super glue they can flash before you even when you don’t want them. Hurtful words are toxic they slowly spread until they infect everything. Words are our most dangerous weapon. No-one has the right to judge anyone based on anything. No one likes been told about their flaws. You have no idea what other people go through you don't know there burdens, fears, or feelings. What you say might just push them over the edge. What you take as playing are daggers to the heart to another. No-one is perfect everyone has flaws everyone is different, and those differences are what makes us beautiful, one of kind. The key is to accept yourself, learn to love yourself, and when you do, what others say can't affect you. People will always have something to say, no matter what you do, say, or dress someone will always have something to say. You can't spend your life dwelling on what others think. Life is way too short to be worried about what other people think. If you want to change something about yourself than do it, but do it for you. Don't do it to fit in. Don't do it to impress that guy you've liked since 6th grade. Don't do it to impress the girl across the street. Don't do it to make your family happy. Do it because it's what YOU want, because it's going to make YOU happy. If you change for other people rather than for yourself, than you're always going to be changing. If someone wants you to change, you're better without them in your life. Surround yourself with people who pick you up and avoid the ones that want to keep you down. Surround yourself with people that love you, ALL of YOU!  This makes me sound like I never get upset about what people say about me, but I still do at times. I'm learning to ignore them, trust me since I started ignoring them I am much, much happier. So please be careful with what you say, because words can only be forgiven, not forgotten. 


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Quote Of The Day

"Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free."
                                                                                                                     -Robert Tew

Navy Yard Shooting

First of all I would like to give my condolences to the families and friends of the victims of the Navy yard shooting. Just in case you don't know what happened here is a little information. On Monday in Washington 34 year old Aaron Alexis entered the Navy base then proceeded to open fire in the cafeteria using a semi automatic, killing 12 people before being killed by police. Alexis reported to police hearing voices, and was under the impression that he was being followed. He did contact two Veteran hospitals and was reportedly seeking psychological help. It is believed that Alexis entered the base with a valid I.D, so there was nothing to raise alarm.  I'm sadden to think about how many more shooting like this may occur before something is done, to provide easy access for individuals with mental issues. Or someway to give help to individuals who may have thoughts of hurting themselves or others. Mental illness is not a subject that is talked about often, and it should be, it shouldn't be taboo. How can "Twerking" make headlines but not more information on Mental illness? It boggles my mind that dance crazes, who just got married, and who's divorcing is more important then something as serious as mental illness. It's unfathomable that situations as these keep occurring. I know Alexis was said to be seeking help, but somehow help didn't come soon enough. Once again my condolences to the families and friends of the victims.



I'm Back!

Hello friends!! I am officially back! I know it has taken a long time, but nonetheless I’m back! I will post something every day about anything like it has always been, and of course, you guys can offer topic ideas as well! I hope you guys are in good health and Great Spirit; I’m overjoyed to be back.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Welcome to the world D.K.M♥

I'm officially a Tia (Auntie) again!!! My nephew was born on Monday evening about 5 weeks to early but thankful his doing fantastic as so is his mommy! He had to be put on a breathing machine for a little bit due to him having fluid in his lungs, but now he is fine! His mom's water broke at 3 in the morning! Yes, 3! So we all rushed to the hospital we were there ALL day until they did a c-section (she didn't dilate past 5 centimeters)... So he was born June 10th at 8:24 pm he weighs a whopping 8lbs and 8oz and is 20 1/2 inches long!! Imagine what he would of weighed if he made it until his due date? Yikes, he would of been a huge baby! His going to be tall like his daddy (his 6'5). I am beyond happy, excited, and over the moon that he is here safe and sound!
Everybody meet my little nephew Damian King Mendez♥ 
I am so in love with him, his absolutely perfect♥


Thursday, June 6, 2013

I'm going to be a Tia again!!!!

Almost forgot to tell you guys that my brother Jose is going to be a daddy for the first time!! His baby (boy) is due next month on the 15th but he'll be here much much sooner!! Like within the next week or so!! I'm so excited to welcome another member of the family into the world. It's bitter sweet, seeing as it's been a year since little Melody got her wings. However we must celebrate the birth of another little angel, and I know that doing so will not take an ounce of  love from her. I'm extremely excited to be a tia again! I can't wait to hold little man!!!
                                    This is my little nephew D.K.M!!
                  (His going to be tall his daddy is 6'5 and his mom is 5'11)    


Been a while

Hello everyone!! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything. I said I wasn't going to anymore until I got better internet, but it's taking to long. So I'm going to post whenever I can, whenever the internet decideds to work. My life has been BUSY! very hectic, I am still looking for a job, my dad is almost home we're doing better but it's taking time. Some days are better than others, and some are worst then others, but we'll be ok. They say "It's always darkest before the sunrise" boy is that true! But you have to be positive you can't dwell on the past and you can't let negativity control your life. Moving forward is the only way to go! So thank you for sticking around, thank you for the support!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Frustrated!! AHHHHH!

I haven't been posting because my internet is wack-o!! Sometimes it works and others it dosen't. So I will not be posting untill I get a stable internet connection, hopefully it will be soon. Bare with me! Thanks for the support :)


Sunday, March 31, 2013



  I plan on posting tomorrow I've been busy and the internet at home is S-L-O-W!!! Just thought I'd tell you guy's that have a beautiful day :)  and thanks for stiking around thanks for the support!!

Happy Easter :)


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Quote Of The Day

May the Irish hills caress you.
May her lakes and rivers bless you.
May the luck of the Irish enfold you.
May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
                           -An Irish Blessing


St.Patrick's Day History

Meant to post this earlier but the internet was not coaperating, better late than never hope you enjoy!!

Today people around the world celebrate St.Patrick's Day. Now you might automatically think about the color green and beer... lots and lots of beer. But who is St.Patrick? Why the color green? Where did this all start? Well my friends I am about to answer those questions. St.Patrick was a Christian missionary, bishop and a patron saint of Ireland. At the age of 16 he was captured by Irish raiders and for six years he worked as a shepherd. He turned to Christianity for comfort and it's said that he dreamed of converting the Irsish to Christianity. When he escaped he returned to England and then wrote that a voice told him to leave Ireland. When he reached England he said that he had a second dream where an angel told him to return to Ireland as a missionary. Patrick then began religious training to become a priest. In 433 he arrived in Ireland to convert the Irish to Christianity and also to minister to Christians already there, he also built many chrurches around the country. Instead of Partick replacing the pagan Irish rituals he incorporated them into his teachings. Patrick died in A.D 461 on March 17th in Saul,Ireland were he built his first church. Irish for many years have viewed this day as a religious day and have celebrated it by attending church in the morning and celebrating with food and drinks in the afternoon.

Now why do we use green to represent St.Patrick's Day? At first the holiday was celebrated with the color blue. However it's believe that it was switched to green becaue of  Ireland's nickname "The Emerald Isle", but also because of the green in the flag (frequently referred to as the Irish tricolour), and shamrock. Legend also has it that green is worn to be invisible to leprechauns that will pinch someone if they see them. That's why we wear green and if you don't well hope you enjoy getting pinched!

                                                                       From this

                                                                           To this

                                                                  The Irish Flag

                                                             And a happy Leprechaun

How about the Shamrock? St.Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Christian Holy Trinity, the shamrock is also a symbol for Ireland.

What else is there on St.Patrick's day? Parades of course as well as festivals. Many cities have parades for St.Patrick, but the largest by far in the world is The New York City St. Patrick's Day Parade. It was first held in1762 by a group of homesick Irish soldiers. The holiday did not go global until 1955 when the Irsih goverment started a campaign to market St.Patrick's day for tourism. Now St.Patrick's day is celebrated worlwide with the color green, parades, and beer.... lots of beer.


Happy St.Patrick's Day

Friday, March 8, 2013

Quote Of The Day

“We believe in ordinary facts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another” 
                                                                                                                   -Veronica Roth, Divergent

Violent video games go or stay?

For years people have been saying that violent video games should be banned, and with all the recent tragedies it has once again came into the spot light. In my opinion I think violent video games should not be banned and I'll explain why. We can't blame video games for the actions of individuals. If video games where to be banned because of violence, what else would be to? Movies? What about history? Because as well all know there is quiet a bit of violence in history, and if people can get ideas from video games they can certainly get them from history as well. Not everything can be banned to prevent such horrific tragedies from occurring  I have said it before and I'll say it again there needs to be reliable and easy help for individuals that have thoughts of harming themselves and others, and a program for others to learn the signs so they may be able to help them and be able to try to prevent such things form happening. Banning everything under the sun is not going to help. Violent video games are not to blame, if someone is thinking about doing something to hurt others the idea is not going to occur just because of a video game, more than likely that thought was already there. And for people that say that videos games give kids the idea that acting out what they do in violent video games is okay, well is that not the parents job? Shouldn't the parents be the ones to tell their children that video games are fantasy and that what happens in video games is just that, a game? Video games don't hurt people, only people can hurt others, video games are just the easiest thing to put the blame on. Do you think video games should be banned?


Friday, March 1, 2013

Quote Of The Day

 “Finding someone you love and who loves you back is a wonderful, wonderful feeling. But finding a true soul mate is an even better feeling. A soul mate is someone who understands you like no other, loves you like no other, will be there for you forever, no matter what. They say that nothing lasts forever, but I am a firm believer in the fact that for some, love lives on even after we're gone.” 
                                                                  -Cecelia Ahern, P.S I Love You

Different worlds in the palms of my hands

I my friends have an addiction, yes it's true. I also know that the first step is to admit that you have a problem. I am addicted to... reading. I can't help it. When I read a book, I leave this world completely. I go to a world unknown somewhere far away where my imagination runs wild and free. When I read, and it's one of those books that you cannot but down, because you’re so emotionally invested, to the point of where you have to sleep, eat, or use the restroom causes you pain. To the point where you can't bare to put it down because you just need to know what's going to happen. I love escaping into the stories that took fellow writers time and effort and love to write. I love experiencing their world, I love having somewhere to escape when this world get's on my last nerve. Does that make me sound crazy? I don't care. Nothing compares to having a book in your hands, nothing compares to the smell, the feel it’s amazing. I know that now there are e-books and those are great you know if you're traveling or on the beach and you don't want to carry a book with you, but there’s nothing that can ever replace the feel of a book in your hands. I love reading I really do, there is nothing like being up at 2 in the morning wrapped in a blanket clutching and crying a great book. That my friends is why I love to read, we can learn so many things from books. I am currently reading, P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern. Yes, it is a movie but let’s be honest the books are always better. So my friends go get a book and dive right in, explore different worlds let your imagination run free. Happy reading :)

I usually don't like books with the movie adaptaion cover but Gerard Butler is on the cover I just couldn't pass it up, his so cute and I love guys with accents.


If you'd like to learn more about Cecelia Ahern and what books she has written you can visit


[Image from]